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Date Posted: Fri, Oct 12 2001, 18:00:51
Author: Morten
Subject: a Morten-ish ending!

*The ceremony came fast, and only Morten, Gregor and Leon were there. Krintar was a little disappointed, but he knew what they have been through and understood perfectly... then the ceremony started, with Krintar telling the entire story of Sarmento dimension, and how it came to be what it was before DarkSin's actions*

Gregor: ~whispers to Morten~ I know the entire story already... I have read history books in my time...

*Then the crown was brought, and finally, Krintar was to wear it for the first time. A great moment of emotion! Prince Krintar has now become King Krintar!*


Krintar: And since Sarmento dimension is gone, a new era has started upon this Kingdom... and a new name shall be given to it! From now on it shall be named... The Kingdom of Calador!

Everyone: HURRAH!

Krintar: Finally, I want to thank all of you for this marvelous ceremony! And reward the heroes that saved the day!

*Morten, Gregor and Leon each receive 50,000 gold pieces*

Krintar: We have given up the old currency and converted it into the main one of this world, gold pieces!

Morten: Thank you, your majesty!

Gregor: That's a generous reward!

Leon: This will help me for my travels!

Morten & Gregor: huh?

Leon: I have sworn to myself that the day DarkSin would be dead, I would leave and travel around Earth, to get to know the world Morten has known too...

Krintar: If that's so, then farewell!

Leon: I will come back someday! And I hope by then that the kingdom will be a beautiful one!

Krintar: Of course! We must rebuild our kingdom and restore the kingdom to his former glory!

Leon: I will get ready now... if you'll excuse me... ~leaves~

*Morten lowers his head looking depressed*

Gregor: What's wrong, Holy one? Err, I mean-

Morten: "Holy one" will do... I was just thinking about my friends... I already miss them!

Gregor: I know... friendship is a wonderful thing... I, too, have many friends back in my time, and they are precious to me! You should never forget about them...

Morten: thanks Gregor! I hope you find a way to return to your time soon!

Gregor: I hope so too...

(Morten has finally become a hero, and his name, along with the names of his friends are immortalized forever in history!)

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