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Subject: Watch caribbean sycophants

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Date Posted: 09:31:02 09/26/04 Sun

$ 25 million for the Bahamas:I am shocked to read that according to the Bahamas Minister of Trade and Industry Leslie Miller The Bahamas is expected to receive $25 million from the European Union. What are other ACP members saying? Money should be for the poorest first. Mr.Miller said the government requested and received permission from the European Union, under its economic funding and apparatus to give The Bahamas $725,000 to assist the country following Hurricane Frances. He said a further $10.5 million was given to The Bahamas from the European Union Development Fund for Family Island development, and he would also attempt to accrue an additional 10-15 million Euros for further relief assistance shortly. This is a total of 25 million.

I urge the commsion NOT to pay these amounts to the Bahamian government not only in times when other countries from the Caribbean, African and Pacific area (ACP) need much more help but also due to the following reasons:

1.According to the Bahamas Handbook The Bahamas is under the leading nations in the world concerning per head earning with approximately 16,000 dollar annually (see also www.the-bahamas.de).

2. The European Union should call the Bahamas government first for social politics.

Why can lawyers charge 400 US $ per HOUR wheras a waitress might earn 150 $ per WEEK only?

3. The Bahamas government did NOT install the system of incom tax since decades but charging high duties even on basic items which is a gross injustice to assist the rich Bahamians only.

4. The Bahamas - which is well known for wide spread crime and corruption, victimization, inefficiency , scandalous law affairs, nepotism and favoritism - is living on other countries expenses due to their tax policy anyhow and money laudering is still going on. Many Bahamians live luxury lives based on the particular tax system and on foreigners bad experiences (visit www.haraldfuhrmann.int.tc).

5. European tax payers pay twice for Bahamians: 1.
Due to the self-willed financial policy. 2. Due to granting addition money from European taxpayers.

6. The Bahamas are still on the top drug dealing list. Even the high income per capita does NOT include income out of drug trafficking

7. Foreign countries claim that they do not come for actual appropriate bilateral investment assistance contracts and also for compulsory investment protection contracts because the government of the Bahamas shows NO interest in it.

8. The Bahamian government presents from many interested states the corresponding drafts for examination. They openly report in addition, that in the foreseeable time one should not expect any reaction on the part of the island state. The dangers for foreign investors become so clear in particular.

9. Bahamian politicians are chameleons: They smile at delegates from European agencies in order to get as much money as possible but in fact foreigners are not accepted as equivalent partners.

10. Instead of showing courtesy on the international parquet Europeans and Americans should demand from the Bahamas government also for more justice towards foreign investors (visit also www.injustice.net.tc)

11. Bahamian politicians, government agencies, lawyers etc turn deaf ears to certain plights, do show poor attitudes towards white foreigners ( see also www.bahamas-guardian.de.vu).

12. Even the highest judge of the Bahamas, Sir Burton Hall, does not shrink from expressing a likewise criticism. It is a breaking of law, if the law system of Bahamas does not permit a plaintiff, his entitled demands in acceptable way with courts. There are sufficient serious complaints from white foreigners about attorneys, the Bahamas Bar Association, the Minister of Justice or even the Prime Minister (view also www.bahamas.net.tc).

13. The wide-spread corruption in the Bahamas, which was always a component of the political culture, explains itself. The current prime minister Perry Christie has energetically demanded an ethical behavior from his ministers, people employed in government agencies and the coworkers of public agencies, however he must first question himself, how to order the requirement of more moral.

14. It is often criticized that even after one year a demand for a public committee of inquiry over the” unfair” law of the country is posed one would not hear one word from the Prime Minister or from a member of the Bahamas cabinet.

The European Commission which deals with The Bahamas and caribbean countries has to consider what foreign investors are saying: "where silence is, there is dishonesty and wherejustice is retarded, there is justice refused!"

As long as Attorney General Alfred Sears does not show any respect towards foreign governments and denies any important bilateral agreements the EU should not accept the request made to the delegation of the European Commission in Kingston. BTW the Bahamas government is also criticized that they spent 2 million Dollars for independence celebration only.
The Bahamas Reporter

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