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Date Posted: Sun, February 15 2004, 11:57:42 PST
Author: Zoth
Subject: HONEST money making schemes in EQ =)

Hiya all! Been asked by a few in guild where some good places are for cash...and I've seen a lot of people doing Rathe Mtns for plat.

Here are a few ways you can go earn plat (and far far FAR faster than RM!!).

One...group in higher level dungeons and win lottos! =) I know, this is obvious, and not always so simple...but its the best way to make LARGE amounts of plat faster. For this at the levels I see in the guild I recommend ANYWHERE that decent 2hs and 2hb weapons drop, or any berserker wearable items. I highly recommend Sebilis, or PoJustice. Justice also has decent gem drops (including blue diamonds, which always sell well). Also, with the way berserker gear is selling, I'd do Traks Teeth for Crusader Zoglik (hunter is his place holder I believe). He drops iksar regen BP, which now sells for a ridiculously insane amount of plat! Also try East Wastes and kill many happy orcs =) The orc legos and elites drop rygorr armor, which currently sells very well, and orc fang earrings are selling for anywhere from 200 to 500pp again! No joke, this is a cash bonanza you shouldnt miss. Even the wimpy zone orcs drop these earrings!

Speakin of earrings, I'd also try cougars in Iceclad for their earrings! These will also be selling well!

Another idea...if you have good dwarf faction, go to Kael and farm bank. This will allow you to get decent gear for yourself, and allow you to sell MQ, which sells well (especially chain!) I'd also try Dragon Necropolis, kill spiders and hope phase spider carpace drops. These spiders are VERY easy, and this BP sells exceptionally well. Also, if you have a strong group that can go in and farm rats, the weapons that drop from here would sell well too. Great DPS and NO level limits!

Think you can get a strong group and do Velks? Upper spiders has a few decent drops from zome of the named, including haste gloves that sell for 4 or 5K. The crystal chitin armor sells VERY well to zerkers now, as well. If you can do upper dogs you might get a set of barbed ringmail, which always sells well! Also this is a GREAT spot for exp thru 60.

This last option takes a little more research, but can end up being the best way to make money! Go to eqtraders.com and check and see what it takes to make the armor or items thats selling the hottest in bazaar atm....and go farm those items. DONT look for the items that drop in the high level zones....oddly enough this is the slower way to make plat with this method! Go to the areas that have easy kills that drop hides, blood and other components used to make some of this armor...go farm a TON of these items, and set up a bazaar mule selling these goods. An example? When nightmare chain first came out it sold VERY well. I sent into PoNightmare with a strong group of 60+ players and went deep into the mephit caves (for a quest and some named). We came out with decent exp, and I kept all the mephit blood we got....3 stacks worth. A couple weeks later when everyone was making that armor I sold the blood for 400pp EACH. Thats 24K just from the blood. I sold it all to one guy, too.

But thats the key...find what items are selling hot, and then go do the dirty grunt gathering work for the trademen that are making those items, and charge a premium for the goods. Go to http://www.eqtraders.com/articles/news_page.php and check recipes to see how to make the hot selling items! Again, this may take a bit of time and some digging, but its worth it! I once had a new playing friend that sold 8 stacks of hides to a NPC merchie for like 2 gold each when in the bazaar the same hides were selling for 30pp each. Take a little time, do a little diggin, talk to some tradesmen and set yourself up to easily make a mint.

Again, pay special attention to ANY recipe that makes a decent 2h weapon, or any good berserker gear! These are selling for insane prices atm.

These are just a few ideas on how to make plat fast! I will post more as I think of em =)

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