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Date Posted: Sun, February 29 2004, 17:08:38 PST
Author: Stormavik Crushenbutcher
Subject: Styles of Leadership! ( and how to survive them!)

This is a game. This is a social game. That means type-written personalities,,, and type-written personality conflicts. Most of the people that play this game have little professional leadership skills. The founder of our guild set up a military based structure to help us assign leaders to organize our players for large events, such as raids for epics and flags and loots for members.
We also have lower level leaders to help organize group events for those times when we aren't all online.
Being a leader means taking responsibility for those you lead. It's hard, usually means extra work, and can take some of the fun out of the game for the person in the leadership role.
Everything has two sides opposite to one another, and the opposite of leadership is Followership.
Followership is a very over-looked concept, but a very impressed upon concept at military leadership schools.
A group needs a leader, but the plain fact is, most people don't lead very well! Leadership is a skill like any other, it takes time to get experience at it. A group with no experience is a group that needs practice, and a strong leader to train them correctly. A group with experience must assign someone to a leadership role. The leader makes the decisions for the individuals he leads. The group that understands this and does what is needed to accomplished the goal, even without being told to do so, is practicing "followership", but only so far as it stays inside the bounderies of the leaders plan. ( I say "leaders plan" because the leader takes responsibility for the plan too, not just the group )
Everyone likes to play the game, each in they're own style. Working together in the game is part of it. (The game even requires us to have leaders in these roles) Try to remember its just a game. Real-life happens too. Pay attention to the Tactics everyone is using. Learn,,, ask questions,,, and then do! That's a good follower.
Leaders,,,Lead,,Tell,,Teach,,,ask questions,,,and Learn! That's Leadership! Assign roles, set up the LDoN groups correctly, not with what is available. (That was a hard lesson to learn!)
Type,,,,ask the questions,,,, search ,,,theres all sort of tactics info out there on the web sites, macros for class specific stuff, Saves time if you do them right.
Communicate,,,,make macros explaining what your doing! Heals, pacify , pulls , assist , mezzes, snares, roots, and failures! ( I can't type well, so I use a lot of hotkeys!)

It a game. Have fun. See you, out there!

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