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Date Posted: Mon, March 15 2004, 14:01:02 PST
Author: Casrinol
Subject: Simple Quests

Ok been looking around for some simple quests to do for the guild and ive found several. Most require only 2 or 3 hours time depending on spawns of course. Im not going to write every single one down here but will highlight some and for those that wanna do them you can shoot me a tell in game and will give more details or you can look it up id be more than happy to help with any of these.
ok im looking at the Jeweled quiver of the hand is a nice addition for anyone that uses bows. Takes all of abotu 1 hour to do for a 33% wt redux quiver. Next for those that are cheap like me and get bored like me 2 pretty easy charm quest (one good and one evil) both require camping mobs in dulak and doing turnins. Those that have been in dulak know that its pretty easy to rip it apart with one group even easier with 2. The good charm is the Charm of the Emerald Warrior, the bad charm is the Charm of the Botherhood. Next we hang out in dulak some more for the start of another pretty east one gathering lugald flesh. Kinda sneaky here because its a 2 parter but both parts are easy yet again with 1 good group or 2 bad ones :). The evil folks recive a ring with regen1 and nice stats on it. the good folks recieve a 1hp with a disease proc and good stats. both easy camping and turnins. only one mob is a pain and would take a strong group of 50+ to bring down(notice only 1 strong group of 50+ 2 groups of 40+ could take him easily) And lastily the robe quest in dulak yet again. This has 2 parts to it and both parts yield haste items the first being neck item 21%haste the second being 24% haste. both items have some descent stats on them. again easy camping on these mobs as well and turn in guthak. Looking up several items we picked up the other night in dulak while camping for linds drop gave me a several others pieces of some of these quests already. When your ready to know more email me or shoot me a tell in game always willing to share info(as well as pick a few more items up myself :).

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