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Date Posted: Mon, September 08 2003, 16:13:46 PDT
Author: Jana
Subject: Re: 46-50 Hunting Areas
In reply to: Jinxamund Blackrose 's message, "46-50 Hunting Areas" on Mon, September 08 2003, 10:24:25 PDT


This is geared more towards soloing caster classes with pets but can be done with tank and healer or Shadowknight with fear.

Bind at POK. Take Overthere portal to Frontier Mt zone to LOIO zone. Head to middle of zone where you will find a huge lake. Get invis and water breathing spell/device. Roughly in the middle of the lake, you will find a large tower like structure coming out of the water. Cast invis and water breath then dive down. Near the bottom of the tower, you will find 8 bloodgills spawns, 2 on each corner. If you go too far, you will hit the bottom of the lake upon which along the tower foundation you will find the Veks entrance. Leave that alone for now!

The tower is a square pattern with the corners being spawn pts. The middles are safe to med and to make pets, etc. Head to the spawn pts and do the following:

If mage/shammy class: Sic pet on one mob. At 80% health, start nuking. They only have 1200 hps so they die pretty quickly but if you get too close or allow pet enough time to get good agro, you will have them all over you. You wont outswim them (unless you have sow) and you can only hope for your gate spell to work at that point as your pet will be too distracted by the other mob to help you. Throw a heal on the pet if need be as he is your lifeline. If you get agro by the other mob that your pet is not on, swim right at and past your pet as the mob will stop chasing you and start attacking your pet in the back if you havent nuked him much. Always remember this tactic for this and other multi mob agro encounters. Rinse and repeat.

For Necro/SK classes:

Target mob and cast Invoke Fear. While the other runs, send your pet (or you attack in case of SK) other mob. By the time your fear wears off, you should have killed mob #1 and be ready for #2. Keep in mind mob only has 1200 hps. Rinse and repeat.

With 8 spawns on a 12-15 min timer, you can get loads of exp and decent cash (1-3plat per drop plus uncommon drop gems and rare drop trident) Just always be careful of your water breath spell! If you go AFK, dont be suprised when you come back and are at your bind spot! You drown very fast! This spot will get you over 200 skill in swimming in no time!

Wizzys/druids: Root and nuke. Root and nuke. Druids could snare nuke.


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  • Re: 46-50 Hunting Areas -- Jinxamund Blackrose, Thu, September 18 2003, 8:21:43 PDT

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