I can talk to ya all, and have a good girlie chat!!! :)
So........... How are ya all???!! Wickie, Ani, Steffie, how's school?! Chris, how're things at home? Caity (d'ya mind if I call ya that, Caitlin?), how're things at work?
Hug you all!! *GROUP HUG!!* I missed ya!
I'm sorry for not being here as often as I used to. Things have been extremely busy! 'Tween school work, religious studies, dancing, etc, things have been majorly busy.
(Chris, btw, I finally decided not to do the... uh.. you know what... the family thing... I don't want to upset the other girls, so, I'd rather not name it... but, if you recall that e-mail I sent you some time back... the one after the message at AL saying I may not be around for a little while... I decided, after a lot of contemplation, not to do that thing I said I would do... When I have the chance, I'll e-mail you 'bout it.)
Anyhow... In three weeks, I go back to school. Standard Grades this year!!! (Dun, Dun, Dun, DUN!!!) :) I have finally decided what instrument I'm playing in music - Xylophone!!!! (Yayyy!) I'm also taking physics this year.
Though, I have some bad news. Just before school broke up, 'bout 3/4 weeks ago, our family lost a friend. Her name was Nicola. Nicola was in my sister's year, and a friend to both of us, and a third daughter to my mom and Dad. But, Nicola was being bullied in school.. The principal didn't do a darn thing to help her!!! She had bricks, full cans of juice, broken glass, and even stones, thrown at her!! Finally, she took her own life, because she was sick of it, and really upset. Luckily, it softened Mom and Dad, and now, they are actually going to DO SOMETHING if I end up being bullied again in school next term!!
Other than that, things have been okay. Jedi studies still going on... I don't if I've told you what this is involves, but, here is a quick guide to some of what we learn:
+ Psychology (Deean teaches this one, normally. Either him or Jil-Qun does it.)
+ Zen
+ Buddhism
+ Ethics and Morality
+ How the way of the Jedi fits in with other major religions (Christianity, Wicca/Witchcraft, etc.)
+ How we can make our lives better
+ What being a Jedi means
+ Science
+ Martial Arts
+ How to defend oneself
+ Lore, and parables
+ Alchemy of the soul.
+ Anthropology
We have special facilities for Young Padawans (Ages 16.. [or is it 18?] or under.), and a forum in which you can have a quiet heart-to-heart with Master Deean. There is also facility that teaches the healing arts, such a reiki. (sp?) The former of the two forums I just spoke of, locks his posts once they are answered, so nobody else can intrude upon the conversation, as the person asking for Deean's opinion maybe looking for specific advice, so, he asks that people please do not add their own opinions to the post, and then locks it once it has been answered. We also have an archive of some lessons.
Though I've only been there for 7 months, and already, I am indebted to Deean! (He saved my butt on more than one occasion. He has also saved my life on more than one occasion. So, I now owe him a debt of gratitude... but he doesn't know! :) He didn't demand it. This is just me being me.)
There's been a lot going on at JA... Busy place. Though it is not just faculty members that write lessons. Members of JA are also encouraged to do so. Sometimes, it provokes fighting, much to the faculty members' chagrin! The worst fight I can remember is "Jil-Qun versus 2, 000, 000, 000 pagans." It is real busy there. Studying it takes up a lot of my time.
This is a big part of why I've been gone so long. I always meant to visit, but, one foot inside the Jedi Academy, and, I've got more to learn, and homework to do!! Sorry 'bout that!
Plus, I couldn't remember the address... or at least the ending number! I thought it was 14575.. turned out to be 14757!
Hey, that reminds me - that slash thingy.. pray you, what gives??!! Why do we suddenly have to put a trailing slash on the end??!
Arrrrrrrggg!! Bloomin', nit-pickin', flippin' internet companies!!!
I think you'll probably find I've grown up a lot since you last saw me, though! Not just mentally, but I've gotten taller, too! (Darn... I wanted to stay small... ) I'm nearly as tall as my mom!! :o) He he he... (And she's 5.6!) Plus, I'm 14, now!! Last time you saw me... well, I'm not sure WHAT age I was... he he he.
Well... gotta go! Seeya!
Take care.
With love, warm wishes and fondest regards,
May The Force Be With You, and Blessed Be.