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Subject: Re: Is there anybody OUT THERE

Stir Master
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Date Posted: Friday, October 19, 06:18:40am
In reply to: shjaro3 's message, "Re: Is there anybody OUT THERE" on Thursday, October 18, 03:12:25pm

So true, he can change it... and I think he will change the wording a little. I like the concept of being able to drop a race or two if you have extenuating circumstances.
And believe me, I've seen the day when someone took a DQ (and I personally KNOW they were legal) simply because it got so late that night after an ASA race that they all decided to tear down on a Sunday afternoon. Well, this driver would have had a total of 8 1/2 hrs of driving time, gas to pull the car and trailer, cost to get in, etc. for the payout? I could see where it wasn't really worth it. and the rules then said, all protests would be done the night of the race. So, I think they got shafted when they got DQ'd for not waiting until Sunday afternoon and drive back.
It really sucks when you THINK you are legal and get burned on a "interpretation" call.

I think that's mine and Queens calling in life...haha, try to get the point across when others need to bite their tongue, regardless of their feelings. You DO still have to live with the ones you make mad... haha

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