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Date Posted: 19:56:57 03/11/14 Tue
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: 162-193-148-238.lightspeed.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: The world keeps turning doesn't it?

So apparently I haven't visited this site since July when Caroline got her new job. I hope everyone is well. As for me, retirement agrees with me pretty well I suppose. Spend most days playing one video game or another. I have a lot of fun with Diablo 3, looking forward to Reaper of Souls in a couple of weeks.

I see that Chuck was asking about my blog. I gave it a try, made 3 entries and found my muse lacking. Anyway everything I want to say is said better and more colorfully and coherently by professional Florida writers like Tim Dorsey.

Spring is fun here if you can get over the mockingbirds that like to imitate car alarms and sing 24/7. (apparently if they are under stress from a lot of other birds they will sing all night to mark their territory.)The geckos are out all night too but they aren't noisy and if you look at them for more than a second they slink back into the hall rafters and behind the alarm in the hall anyway.

Sorry about the end of the MNA but having SMG on a show with Robin Williams pretty much ended my desire to try to search out sexy pics anymore. At some point it is time to move on.

For tv, SyFy still gives me Lost Girl, Continuum, and Defiance. Mainstream still has some neat stuff like Elementary and Person of Interest. I watch Blacklist for James Spader but the rest of the cast is mediocre at best.

Anyway everyone take care. I'll probably poke my forked tongue back in again some time

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[> Re: The world keeps turning doesn't it? -- kim, 22:02:46 03/12/14 Wed (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

Hey, Lewis. Nice to see ya.

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[> Re: The world keeps turning doesn't it? -- Caroline, 20:21:04 03/14/14 Fri (5e0f59fc.bb.sky.com/

Hiya, sweetheart. Sounds like retirement is agreeing with you. Glad to know that you're out there still.



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[> Re: The world keeps turning doesn't it? -- Saltygoodness, 02:32:24 03/19/14 Wed (NoHost/

Yep, no matter how hard we try to make it stop. I'm over my infatuation with all things Buffy and Angel although I still enjoy the occasional rerun. I do miss this Board and have really missed you dear Lewis H. I wish you well and more happiness than you can handle.

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[> Hi Lewis! -- truelove, 17:41:01 03/19/14 Wed (NoHost/

I wish we were all on board with a current show -- anything -
I miss the way we took to Buffy and Angel - and I learned so much -- the discussions were fabulous and the comments priceless.

I'm retired too -- enjoying it immensely. Recently moved and still unpacking. Unbelievable how much stuff I have. I envy those who really got rid of things but I'm working on organizing things better.

Best to all,


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[> [> Re: Hi Lewis! -- kim, 07:25:44 03/22/14 Sat (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

Truelove, what do you watch these days?

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[> [> [> Re: Hi Lewis! -- truelove, 18:14:58 04/02/14 Wed (NoHost/

Sorry it took me a bit to get back to the board --
I use the internet at the local library.

I've been watching Downton Abbey, The Black List, the Armish Mafia, NCIS , Hart of Dixie, PPS , the Movie channel, Doc Martin, Mad Men, and Almost Human. And Nova and the Nature shows, the fabulous National Geographic series on whatever.

Oh, and the Big Bang. hee hee

I admit, some aren't lent to discussion. What has captured your interest?


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[> Anything we can do about the recent spam posts? -- kim, 07:24:30 03/22/14 Sat (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

Really annoying.

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