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Date Posted: 06:47:08 03/29/14 Sat
Author: SV
Author Host/IP: dynamic-acs-72-23-66-62.zoominternet.net /
Subject: Who's seen Cabin In The Woods? (spoilers)

I know it's a few years old, but I just recently got around to seeing it. Does anyone else feel that this is as close to a Buffy movie as we'll get? I mean, a film version of OUR Buffyverse, as I'm sure there'll be a "gritty" reboot eventually.

It was co-written by Joss and Drew Goddard, who also directed, who worked with Whedon on both Buffy and Angel. Joss once said in an interview that he wanted to do something epic with the Initiative, especially its implosion in Primeval, and they simply didn't have the budget. Well, when the Stoner and the Virgin head downward at the movie's end, it feels like this is what he originally had in mind, especially with all the monsters turning on and killing their creators/captors. Sigorney Weaver speaks of the Old Ones, and even talks about them living below, trying to get back to this dimension, similar to the Hellmouth.

Having been written by Whedon, it features his characteristic humor and surprises. And it features several actors who he's worked with before.

Was anyone else constantly reminded of Buffy and Angel watching this movie?

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[> Re: Who's seen Cabin In The Woods? (spoilers) -- kim, 09:36:18 03/30/14 Sun (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

I haven't seen it, yet (keep forgetting) but it was very well reviewed at the time of release and stuff. I do remember hearing enough that it brought to mind things like you mention, that are recognizable from Joss' brain and the 'verse.

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