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Date Posted: 14:04:54 05/19/14 Mon
Author: Gachnar
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: And my answers
In reply to: Gachnar 's message, "A TV Poll Dance!" on 13:45:57 05/19/14 Mon

What are your top pet peeves about TV today?

1) I still hate "bugs," those logos and even little scenes that are increasingly taking over the screen while I'm trying to watch my @#$% show.

B) What's with the crummy job of captioning? Even DVDs of movies - wouldn't you think they'd make sure to clean the captions up? Some of them are just so lame.

There are more, lots more, but I'll spare you.

What do you think of the "show ten episodes and then go away until we've completely forgotten them and then show some more episodes" trend? (OK, that question might be a little bit leading)

A: Hate it. Hate. It. I start out not watching the show during the first ten episodes, intending to marathon watch when the final episodes finally show up, but what happens is I get spoiled and/or lose interest and delete the whole season.

What are you watching nowadays?

Well, unfair question, I guess, since things (mostly) seem to be winding down right now. Just watched the last episode of "Elementary," which I loved. (Can you believe Jonny Lee Miller and Angelina Jolie were once married - to each other?).

Also watched the last episode of "Revenge," which I hated. That show had such a great first season, I keep watching to see if they can get the goodness back, but the last two seasons have just been a mess. Probably won't go back when it returns for its fourth season. Oh, who am I kidding. I will watch just to see if they really killed off Conrad. If they did, then that's it. I want to see Henry Czernyi and Gabriel Mann starring in decent shows of their own (not necessarily together, but that would be nice, too).

Haven't watched "Bones" in a while - stopped when it looked like Bones and Booth were going to get married. I guess they did? Don't care. Same issue with Castle.

Actually, since we now get Netflix DVDs (don't expect me to move TOO quickly into the 21st Century, people), we don't watch much regular TV at all, except for PBS programming (But we still have only seen the first episode of the last round of "Downton Abbey").

What new shows are you looking forward to?

A few things on BBC America look good; can't remember the titles at the moment.

Bonus Question: What new show would you LIKE to see?

Me: More gardening how-to shows (Not the one-day wonder "reality" transformations - which you know the homeowners will totally not keep up - but a really informative show for actual gardeners. I'd also like to see a return to the actual how-to cooking shows. I miss the old Alton Brown.

And you?

(p.s. I miss you guys.)

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[> [> Re: And my answers -- kim, 08:56:32 05/20/14 Tue (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

Gardening - look up P. Allen Smith shows http://www.pallensmith.com/

http://jamiedurie.com/ also has gardening shows.

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[> [> [> Thanks, Kim -- Gachnar, 13:46:14 05/20/14 Tue (71-35-105-67.tukw.qwest.net/

I love P. Allen Smith! In fact, I was just watching an episode I'd recorded. I like that he's gone into cooking a lot more, in addition to gardening. I have his cookbook and I really enjoy cooking from his recipes. I have seen the J.D. garden design shows (now just in re-runs, I think), but they don't really seem to be for DIYers like me (although he is v. good to look at!) I also watch the new Victory Garden's Edible Feast, mostly for the old hands from the original V.G. (although I did like Jamie's turn as host too). And another food show I enjoy is Martha Stewart's Cooking School on PBS - it's like having the old pre-prison, pre-talk show Martha back. I wish she'd do a similar gardening show on PBS.

How nice of you to reply!

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