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Date Posted: 18:13:56 06/24/14 Tue
Author: Caroline (Yippee!)
Author Host/IP: 5ac0b251.bb.sky.com /
Subject: Got a new job!

I'm working as PA to the Bursar for boarding school in Surrey. The people are lovely and the grounds are spectacular. It's a busy job (which is great) and I feel pretty blessed.

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[> Congrats!!! -- kim, 20:38:08 06/24/14 Tue (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

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[> Re: Got a new job! -- truelove, 10:13:24 06/28/14 Sat (NoHost/

Hooray! Much luck and success!!


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[> Re: Got a new job! -- Saltygoodness, 18:44:27 07/02/14 Wed (NoHost/

Congrats and have a wonderful time. There is nothing like a new job you really enjoy to perk up a life! Have fun.

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[> Re: Got a new job! -- Caroline, 16:19:28 07/10/14 Thu (5ac1f6ad.bb.sky.com/

Thank you all so much. On the down side ... have just written off my car!

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[> [> Written off? -- Gachnar (Hey, Caroline!), 12:19:16 07/12/14 Sat (71-35-108-165.tukw.qwest.net/

Does that mean it just got too expensive to bother with? Oh, dear. We wrote off our Jeep, too, for the same reason. Fortunately, we were able to donate it to our local public television station, and we'll get a tax deduction for it. Turns out they sold it for a lot more money that we thought we could get for it. It wasn't in bad shape, really, just hadn't been driven for a while and was taking up space and costing $$$ to insure.

So, anyway, sorry to be so late, but congratulations on the new job! Hope all is going well. But, and forgive me for nagging, don't write off teaching entirely. Keep up your certification if you can - you never know, in ten or twenty years you might find it's the perfect job for you. You might remember that teaching is my dear husband's second career - he says he never would have made it as a teacher right out of university, but starting in his late fifties, after a long career in science research/business, he was ready to teach - and maybe because he was older, or perhaps that and also more sure of himself, he got the kids' (and his colleagues') respect right away.

Just something to think about - I know you still have a bad taste in your mouth, as they say, about the whole experience, but as time passes, well, you just never know, and it (a teaching certificate) is a handy thing to have in your back pocket. The first year of teaching is always the worst, and you've got that out of the way!

I only nag you about this because I know how excited and idealistic you were when you first embarked on the teaching career. The world needs good teachers, and I know you could be a fine one.

My best wishes to you!

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[> [> [> Re: Written off? -- Caroline, 18:26:33 07/24/14 Thu (5ad5f27d.bb.sky.com/

Tbank you for your positive thoughts - but in 20 years' time, I hope I'll be retired!

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[> [> [> [> Re: Written off? -- Gachnar, 22:02:03 07/24/14 Thu (71-35-97-175.tukw.qwest.net/

We loved our little Jeep Wrangler for the same reason. That little car could go anywhere! Seattle is so hilly (and so lacking in snowplows) that even a tiny bit of snow makes the roads impassable - unless you have 4-wheel drive! The problem is that the weather usually changes to rain, so the snow melts and then freezes. People mock us for our inability to drive in snow here, but, well, they don't live here. I think "Reddy" was about 18 years old, and "he" really was in good condition. Dewey takes really good car of his cars, and he is the kind of guy who records every oil change, etc., on the underside of the hood (bonnet, right?). The guy who came to take him away (the Jeep, not Dewey) was very impressed.

The Duster looks nice!

Oh, and Dewey thought he'd be retired now too, but now he WANTS to work another five or ten years, because he loves what he's doing so much. Just sayin'. :-)

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[> [> [> Re: Written off? -- Caroline, 18:35:24 07/24/14 Thu (5ad5f27d.bb.sky.com/

Yup, they said it was uneconomic to repair. Unfortunately, it was a 12 year old Mini and although I'm sure she had many fine years in her, she was deemed a write-off.

We've thinking about a 4-wheel drive for ages because if it snows here, we can't even get down the drive or out of our road so we've been looking at a Dacia Duster. We were very impressed by it.

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[> Had even worse news -- Caroline, 05:38:29 07/27/14 Sun (5ac09173.bb.sky.com/

The police have been in touch and because I left the road, crossd the pavement and ended up someone's garden, I may be done for dangerous driving.

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[> [> As long as you're OK! -- Gachnar (Concerned), 15:31:15 07/31/14 Thu (70-58-84-59.tukw.qwest.net/

You are OK, right? No one was hurt?

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[> [> [> Re: As long as you're OK! -- Caroline, 17:44:58 07/31/14 Thu (b0f9c4ae.bb.sky.com/

No, no one was hurt. However, I've a few occasions where I've had to go to the doctor because my blood pressure has suddenly plummeted. I had that today, where I could hardly stand up and my blood pressure had dropped to 15/59.

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[> [> [> [> Oh, dear -- Gachnar (Still concerned), 18:14:11 07/31/14 Thu (70-58-84-59.tukw.qwest.net/

Please tell me you mean 115/49. If this happens often, you probably should not be driving. I don't want to scare you, but you really need to have this checked out. This accident could have been much, much worse.


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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Oh, dear -- Caroline, 00:22:27 09/13/14 Sat (b0f984a5.bb.sky.com/

Yes, you're correct - 115/49. However, now just sprained my ankle and can hardly walk. Perhaps I should just stay in bed! How are you, my dear?

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[> [> Re: Had even worse news -- Gachnar, 10:39:12 09/17/14 Wed (NoHost/

115/49 is low enough!

So sorry about the ankle! Take it easy; unless it's completely healed you run the risk of spraining it over and over again (from one who knows).

I'm just fine, thanks. Garden is looking really good - roses and dahlias everywhere!

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[> [> [> Garden -- Caroline, 16:43:34 09/17/14 Wed (5ac0bed3.bb.sky.com/

Wish mine did. I'm raising a fine crop of nettles at the moment!

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