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Date Posted: 13:35:14 07/10/15 Fri
Author: gretch
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Heh. One of my advisors mentioned he was a Buffy fan...and I got nostalgic.

I hope everyone is well. I truly do think of ya'll often. I started here when I was prego with my son...and now he is turning 15. So crazy.


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[> Hey! -- kim, 15:50:01 07/13/15 Mon (cpe-172-248-180-184.socal.res.rr.com/

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[> Re: Heh. One of my advisors mentioned he was a Buffy fan...and I got nostalgic. -- chuckit25, 07:39:54 07/24/15 Fri (cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com/

Hope some of the time has been fun! Intelligent teacher, eh? God thing h isn't reading the comics. sigh. She is so unrecognizable (to me).

Hope Salty didn't wash away in the floods. My! first fire, now floods. Gather some of you are feeling flooded and others feel a drought. What makes me feel ol is all the "reboots"--but then "Hamlet" is a "reboot." Ha!

Our hero Angel fares worse and better--extremes seem his existence. H created a paradise, was a god, killed Giles, (possessed); Brought him back on a long quest through Quortoth; went to London, told a god if he killed in vengeance, then what is he gonna do with the rest of his life. Turns out Illyria wiped out his family, you see and that Fred wasn't completely, totally dead. She is back. Buffy chastened Illyria to sacrifice himself in a crossover to her book. Connor is 24 now and still in S.F. No mention of Gunn, but the weirdness puts Dawn at around 18 ad Buffy at 22. Don't have a clue, as that was her age at season 7.

AND! Archaeus is this demon essence that is within al of the Aurelia clan to ac evil, and it makes zero sense as to why, why now and why bring them together in a crossover that is set up to be fan service for shippers? Oh. W now that the big bad is "more maturity"--uh...that's why they are COMIC books and the line is hackneyed.

Now the great Vampyr book is empty an "new rules" are being written. Aren't you glad you are all caught up?

Doing gallery season; and life as grandpa.... GRANDPA! What til your boy gives you such a gift, Gretch! The teen years will be worth all your patience!

Any word on Veggie, any one? God, I hope only goodness "floods" her way!

I wonder if half of Florida is moving to Cuba? Hey, Lewis!

Youse guys have to send a shout out to Michael. He still bravely keeps the "good morning" ritual going over on the blue board (general thread). (Nostalgia means "home." Interesting, yes?)

Now that is devotion and loyalty to this fandom (all of us) and even as a fan worth celebration! Thanks for "staying alive," Michael! I am sure cheer and comfort are really appreciated by many lurkers. One can't always know what a word a smile can mean! So!

Thank you, Gretch and kim for saying hello!
Be well from
Your faithful servant, always,

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[> Re: Heh. One of my advisors mentioned he was a Buffy fan...and I got nostalgic. -- Molloch, 08:09:32 08/09/15 Sun (CPE-101-182-56-42.lnse1.woo.bigpond.net.au/


I was mainly on the Buffy board but would check in here alot. I too started on these boards when my daughter was born. She is 15 as well and we have finished watching Buffy together and are now watching Angel. We are halfway through season 2.
We've met James Marsters, Charisma Carpenter, Amber Benson and Emma Caulfield when they came over to Australia for our Cons.
I miss the old days but i'm glad I get to share these amazing shows with my girl.

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[> Gretch! Hey, Girl! -- Gachnar (Dee-lighted!), 11:12:49 10/15/15 Thu (pat3.seattleschools.org/

Sorry I missed this when you posted - haven't checked the board in a while.

I've missed you. Miss the pole dancing, miss the underwear reports, miss the thoughtful, insightful discussions about all sorts of topics (including the show). Miss the camaraderie. We truly cared about each other - and even though everyone seems to have moved on (curse you, Facebook!), we still do.

Jude is turning 15!! How did that happen? How is he? How are Ginger and Marianne? How are YOU?

Doc and I are fine, perking along as usual.

We always show Buffy and/or Angel episodes to the AP Chem kids after they take their exams - and they love watching them. So much about high school is the same now as it was for me forty-something years ago, and for Buffy 18 years ago. If we're all still here in another decade or so, high school will still be high school.

Good to "hear" from you, old friend.


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