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Date Posted: 04:20:31 08/10/15 Mon
Author: kim
Author Host/IP: cpe-172-248-180-184.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: I've been re-watching Angel on Netflix...
In reply to: SV 's message, "I've been re-watching Angel on Netflix..." on 00:28:10 08/07/15 Fri

SMG wasn't available at the time they were filming The Girl In Question. It was explained at the time and we knew she wouldn't be in it. They used pre-recorded material for Buffy's voice that season, too, because she wasn't available. No bad blood at all. SMG was willing if she'd had the time.

Supernatural is going into season 11.

Season 6 would've had Team Angel in a Hell dimension and working their way back home. They'd be coming back together after the splintering of the group over W&H stuff. Illyria and Fred would've been split apart. Wes would've been in season 6, too. Amy and Joss shared these details in the months after cancellation when asked what season 6 would've been.

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[> [> Re: Didn't I say some of that LONGER? ha! -- chuckit25, 12:43:40 08/15/15 Sat (cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com/

Adding BTVS in comics also going to season 11...but that may change. We have been promised that Buffy's "Big Bad" is "maturity"--so I feel certain we will see season 11. Eye roll.

Angel reduced from 30 to 25 issues to do the (fanservice) crossover to BTVS and then return to his own issue(s) and drag Dru into the story of Archaeus being an actual part of Clan Aurelius. OH! Frillyia has "Fred is back" in Ireland, while this "bubble" of "Magic Town" in London holds "sentient magick" and Faith n Fred team up to teach at a prep school.
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