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Date Posted: 09:18:07 08/19/15 Wed
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Badassery equals vengeance?
In reply to: SV 's message, "My only question about the comics: does Wes continue to be a badass?" on 05:13:11 08/19/15 Wed

THe last (official) appearance of WES was in the series of After The Fall by Brian Lynch--a series I enjoyed immensely.

And, it was written "out of the gate" of season five's finale--LA became "Hell A" and Angel's immortality was changed to mortality. WES was written as capable, mature, and helpful; he was a complex adult and he made the "glamours" to hide Angel's mortality and helped also to heal his vulnerability. When "ev-vv=very body is evil and seeing the real agenda is key, I think Wes was more "real" than his "collapse" in season 5, however "justified" WES felt about "using the plan" to mostly commit suicide.

Wes in ATF was also a ghost. I have given a synopsis of this ATF season before, but if you didn't read it, maybe you don't want me to spoil it. The character of WES is not inept, or raging, but also not "all knowing" nor some kind of "goofy."--he had lived and lost too much, but he still "engages" the unknown and is indeed a good friend to Angel because he is "a good man who can square with reality and see it through."

I won't belabor Joss okayed the thing, but hated the finale of ATF and I LOVED, LOVED it!
At your service,

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