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Date Posted: 07:43:46 02/26/16 Fri
Author: chuckit25@msn.com (Good to know!)
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Charisma is recurring on Chicago P.D.
In reply to: kim 's message, "Charisma is recurring on Chicago P.D." on 16:33:41 02/19/16 Fri

Kim! I am aware that in a global fandom there is more than a single "kim," but you do write and I just thought I'd take a stab at this question.

"My" kim was on the Ducks Babble Board and was very kind to my wife, Clerkymonkey. She/he also wrote a fic called "Masquerade"--I think the last B/A offering; perhaps because kim enjoyed writing Spuffy or, perhaps, James himself. (Printed copy prompted my inquiry, as I do believe it is available on line, even if the old site and email are out of date to say thank you for both making my wife so happy and for your imaginative AU romance/tale).

You are such a faithful fan, I thought I would inquire and praise your efforts to bring joy to us still today.
I remain faithfully yours

IS this you?

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[> [> Re: Charisma is recurring on Chicago P.D. -- kim, 02:12:52 02/28/16 Sun (cpe-172-248-180-184.socal.res.rr.com/

Nope, sorry, not me. I've never been on that board. I wrote Spuffy and Spike/OC stories under a different name.

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[> [> [> Re: Charisma is recurring on Chicago P.D. -- chuckit25@msn.com (TA!), 08:59:02 02/28/16 Sun (cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com/

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