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Date Posted: 22:28:24 01/06/17 Fri
Author: gretch
Author Host/IP: MH1-DSL-74-215-199-93.fuse.net /
Subject: Happy 2017, All...Love and miss you and hope folks are well.

Isn't it funny how many supernatural type shows there are now? I'm honest that none compare though.

I see some forum peeps on social media. Salty got sick and I haven't seen anything from her in awhile. Others are thriving with marriages and babies etc. Very cool to share in peoples' lives as we did here.

My son engages with podcast forums. Chip off the ol' weirdo. *smile*

Much love all around. Healthy and hearty.

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[> Saltygoodness passed away this morning. -- gretch, 17:49:27 01/11/17 Wed (NoHost/

I admit I've cried some very real life tears.

You'll be missed, Salty.

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[> Re: Happy 2017, All...Love and miss you and hope folks are well. -- chuckit25 (Nature doesn't abhor a vacuum), 08:54:55 01/16/17 Mon (cpe-173-173-89-10.tx.res.rr.com/

Vacuum (nearly misspelled it--Salty would notice that. ha!)
They do exist, but sometimes they overflow.

Thanks for your greetings, kim and gretch. The fandom may have gone, but the people here have been very special to me for the gifts of your generosity and kindness.

I imagine we all have arguments with time. “So little, and yet so much of it.”

I do hope that some peace touched Salty—she worked like a demon possessed; and it is with gratitude I'd like to thank her for the pleasure of her warmth, the sweetness of her heart, and the good for the world she made in "building people" within her home and family.

I guess I can’t help see the reality of life and death is our lives, but the losses are not countered by "gains" of the same nature. I think my appreciation for those I meet is more aware "we are alive" and that “moment” is something of a surprise to catch us in. People speak of "opportunity" to help or know or "blow it off." I don't mean this. It is that moment of meeting--even in my thoughts of you now, we are alive. Why? Because in all the changes ever seen or never comprehended, it is that life itself is love, and that embraces us all. We have life, even in death. I think the understanding that we can't comprehend how big or how far or how long is the understanding losses teach.

I hope you know I hug you, hearts of this place, in wishes for your own appreciation of you. The joy you have is real for I am given it still; the beauty that you have shared in your "living" and your families, your work, your "new arrivals" in pets and plants to the garden, I thank you. I hope you, too, have a hug for those you recall, those you find and those who thread through your lives in all the surprise of life itself.

I remain your humble servant

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[> [> *hugs* -- gretch, 19:22:22 01/17/17 Tue (MH1-DSL-74-215-199-93.fuse.net/

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[> [> [> Re: *hugs* -- truelove, 14:27:30 01/26/17 Thu (NoHost/

Oh, no. Salty -- i am sad indeed.

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[> Re: Happy 2017, All...Love and miss you and hope folks are well. -- kim, 00:10:53 02/10/17 Fri (cpe-172-248-180-184.socal.res.rr.com/

Salty? Oh no.

They had some rough times in recent years. I hope it was peaceful.

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[> Re: Happy 2017, All...Love and miss you and hope folks are well. -- Gachnar, 12:11:26 03/02/17 Thu (NoHost/

So sorry to hear about Salty. Her wisdom and positivity were wonderful gifts to all of us - to everyone she knew, I'm sure.

I love and miss you all, too. I think of you often.

Thanks, gretch.

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[> Re: Happy 2017, All...Love and miss you and hope folks are well. -- knj, 14:07:17 07/26/18 Thu (97e76d3e.skybroadband.com/

I don't know what compelled me to check here tonight, it's been over a decade probably, but I just now saw the sad news about Salty and was compelled to post (even though it was 18 months now)

Salty was always very kind and supportive to 17 year old me when I was subjecting the board to my fanfic and she would always leave feedback on each and every post without fail.

It always meant the world to me.

Sleep well, Salty.

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