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Date Posted: 15:40:38 08/24/12 Fri
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: MNA taking rest of summer off

Yes I'm retired and have nothing but free time but, honestly the forum has been acting rather strange when it comes to posting pics for several months now. As a result I never really know until after I've composed the MNA and tried to post it whether it is going to be Dawn telling me to get out, get out, get out, or be nice to me like Willow's pet computer demon (at least before it escaped anyway.) So, I'm just going to give it a rest until September. I hope you all understand and of course like the demon goddess Verra I reserve the right to change my mind. I'll still be lurking around and posting when I feel like I have something worth saying.

Never try to ride the voy demon like a pony.

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[> Re: MNA taking rest of summer off -- Saltygoodness, 16:14:23 08/24/12 Fri (NoHost/

I'll miss you terribly. I have been struck with some terrible health issues that have prevented me from posting. But, then, at 73 what else can one expect? However, with my fully recovered kidneys and new pacemaker, I expect to stay OUT OF THE BLOODY HOSPITAL for awhile and will look forward with anticipation to your return. Hugs dearest Lewis H.

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[> [> Hugs! -- kim, 05:21:18 08/27/12 Mon (cpe-75-82-41-188.socal.res.rr.com/

I'm sorry you've had pesky health issues. I hope you're feeling better. We'd like you around for a good while yet. :)

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[> [> Re: MNA taking rest of summer off -- Caroline, 19:27:53 08/31/12 Fri (5ade0769.bb.sky.com/

Oh Salty, I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having problems - hope things are getting much better now.

Lots of love

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[> Re: MNA taking rest of summer off -- kim, 05:22:31 08/27/12 Mon (cpe-75-82-41-188.socal.res.rr.com/

Lewis, you might want to try going to Voy from a different browser. Could be that Voy and what you're using are no longer compatible.

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[> Re: MNA taking rest of summer off -- Caroline, 19:29:17 08/31/12 Fri (5ade0769.bb.sky.com/

Have a good lurk, my dear. We really do appreciate all your hard work.

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[> Re: MNA taking rest of summer off -- chuckit25, 11:33:32 09/19/12 Wed (cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com/

SUMMER OFF? Is that what you call your frantic and over burdened lives?

I think winter needs to come and remind you of what "off" means, except for the snow shovelling and digging out the car, and the endless hours spent wrapping and unwrapping yourself to keep out the cold.

I do hope relief in all endeavors supports and heals you. Especially gotta shout out to Salty. The point of the bed rest is actually try it once in a while. Your life has been utterly scary and harsh and I am so sorry for it! I am glad you take such joy in your family, but wish you would let them give you their gift of a bit of the work. Dust bunnies that are bigger are easier to swipe for the littler ones to help!

And the voy demon needs to go on a diet of sauerkraut. That face and those clothes on Willow make riding a (wooden) pony something altogether different than what you'd guess. And worst, my daughter told me. But nothing is worse than the broom stick. No wonder witches became hags. GACK!

I did summer, off and on, a bit of, as it is nearing fall as I type this. I am glad you are all still here and a few voices have returned that make me doubly bubbly happy. THAT oughta gag the craw of the VOY demon to get vicious and get rid of those posting beasties in his lair. He's greedy and wants to eat the posts himself.
Be well!

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