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Date Posted: 22:25:23 09/13/12 Thu
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-33-77.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Just turned 51 guess I could do an MNA

I had a simple but nice birthday. Due to the 9/11 tragedy and my birthday being the same day I generally celebrate either a little before or a little after. Libby and I went out to dinner and she gave me my present (about which you will only hear about the Best Buy gift certificate. I'll just say if I was like Angel I would now be thoroughly evil.) last Saturday and Hal treated me to dinner at Golden Corral Tuesday (he gave me the cash but he didn't want to join me amusing and I don't really mind eating alone.) Ok enough of that you guys want sexy pics of our favorite stars:

Ok so this is the first MNA on my new PC. The PC I've had
for over 5 years finally gave up the ghotst. The hard drive had been whining for a month now and in trying to extend its life I messed it up to the point where even the
Geek Squad couldn't bring it back to life. They were able to transfer all my data to the new PC. I was planning to buy a new one after windows 8 came out anyway. I get a free upgrade with this one when it does. Windows 7 takes a little getting used to but all in all I'm very happy and
all the programs that I use most frequently are up and running (that would be Diablo 3 and Sims 2 btw) It also came with this incredibly addictive game called Plants vs Zombies which I've been playing for hours on end. Anyone else played it?

Now let's just hope the Voy Demon doesn't eat this.

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[> Re: Just turned 51 guess I could do an MNA -- The Ancient Mariner (Saltygoodness), 02:29:19 09/16/12 Sun (NoHost/

My stars and little fishes, Lewis H, what a youngun you are. However, Happy Birthday belated or otherwise.

Years ago, March was the worst month of the year. It seemed something evil always happened in March. Then, a first grandchild was born in March and the month just became a windy time of the year and Jamieson's birthday. Now, I dread September. 9/11 and the anniversary of the Bastrop County Complex fires , 9/4, cause this lady some serious grief. But, now I have Lewis H's birthday in September. This will, I am sure, make September just another month of serious hot weather prior to some real fall weather. Thank you, dear Lewis H, for being born in September.

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[> [> Re: Just turned 51 guess I could do an MNA -- Saltygoodness, 02:32:32 09/16/12 Sun (NoHost/

Ooops! Forgot my comments about the wonderful MNA. Sexy David in his wet shirt; elegant Sarah; gorgeous Allyson; and, mysterious James. The new PC seems to be working overtime and this MNA was special. Thank you, my dear.

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[> Re: Just turned 51 guess I could do an MNA -- chuckit25 (we're not dead yet... VEG), 09:21:21 09/20/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com/

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[> Re: Just turned 51 guess I could do an MNA -- Caroline, 15:28:43 10/25/12 Thu (5e040a35.bb.sky.com/

Yay - 51 is fab. I'll be 51 in November and I can confirm that I have no wrinkles, lots of hair and extraordinarily perky boobies. 51 is great! Or possibly, this was too much information.

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