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Date Posted: 00:11:43 09/18/12 Tue
Author: SV
Author Host/IP: nycmspsrvz3ts212-dmz.mycingular.net /
Subject: Does anyone else feel a little vindicated...

...in their love for Joss Whedon and his work, or justified, because of his pop-culture coming-out party that was the success of "Avengers"? I've been singing praises about this guy for years now to anyone who would listen, as I suspect many of you have as well, and now he's finally gone mainstream its sort of a "we discovered/loved him first" kind of attitude. I'm just so glad he's finally found that level of mainstream acceptance, because he's so talented and really deserves it, and because now the possibilties are endless! And,of course, finance-able...

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[> Never felt the need for vindication -- Lewis H., 11:07:14 09/18/12 Tue (adsl-98-85-33-77.mco.bellsouth.net/

Up until recently being into SciFi, comics, and video games always meant you were an outsider. I LIKED being an outsider.

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[> [> I know what you mean... -- SV, 13:42:39 09/19/12 Wed (nycmspsrvz3ts210-dmz.mycingular.net/

...its like its now cool or at least socially acceptable to be a geek, its the next "fad" now that the hip-hop "gangsta" fads are finally calming down. And I feel a little...discomfited because, hey, I've been a geek my whole life! I actually suffered for my passions before it was cool! But then again, how many people "shaved their heads and swore they were punk before punk was punk"--nick Hornsby. But still, that's all it really means to be a geek: to be highly passionate for something you love, and I guess everybody has a little of that.

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[> Re: Does anyone else feel a little vindicated... -- chuckit25, 09:33:00 09/20/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com/

Passion? I had a well of rage that knew no boundaries...I was born in a dictatorship and it was "everything America" that was my need.

Joss Whedon only asserted the value of myths in new clothes for me. Bruce Lee gave me the first keys to me and to America. My wife was my passion and "my journey." My daughter was pure release/gift from darkness.

Ousider? Foreigner is more the word. To my people, foreigner in my own skin. Finding out that people are people was my POV-mirror revealing it all was "just me."

Thank you, America. Thank you, you!

Be well!

Your humble servant, always!

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[> Re: Does anyone else feel a little vindicated... -- Caroline, 16:08:47 09/21/12 Fri (5e012dc2.bb.sky.com/

Delighted! Have you any idea how often I have said in a Media class, ''Serenity' is a brilliant film'?'

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