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Date Posted: 09:17:35 09/20/12 Thu
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Post Labor Day - MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Post Labor Day - MNA" on 23:50:04 09/04/12 Tue

I think you labored with a highly illicit use of magicks, didn't ya?

I'm right there with you when it comes to that connection that just stirs my brains and pricks at the nose. I still love, love these "stolen moments" of deepest connections with Buffy and Angel on every level. I feel my wife burn within. Still. And I so agree that Spike and Dru were my favorite right behind B/A for the fierce and pathetic driving them together. That pain could be funny with these two.

I wish people understood that Dru wasn't crazy, she just didn't experience time as linear (time's arrow). She experienced "no time" i.e. past, present and future existed at once. I used to love her Tarot prophecies--she was the riddler and poet, at once. No wonder she was Spike's muse.

That little girl between this couple is now my greatest joy ever. I just can't tell you enough the real joy I have seeing them. They are always just perfect. It sure makes this old world brand new every day and I thank you for reminding me.

And to see the sleepy demon actually dreaming up such nightmare thoughts of happiness and connection, he will eat your connections, of course, for the next three MNA's. There is always balance in the universe.hee hee.

I did mention your birthday back when I left, but each time I round the corner of this holiday, I anticipate your birthday and that makes me happy, too. You have been a patient and generous man. As we grow into gray, it is especially fine to enjoy the flow of our experience, and appreciate the sparkle of each of us in the differences.

Happy Birthday, each day, each of you!

Be well

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