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Date Posted: 10:30:35 11/08/12 Thu
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-39-96.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: It's Bram Stoker's Birthday - Celebrate you children of the night

I am celebrating cause the election is finally, mercifully over and none of the Florida amendments I opposed passed.

Herr Stoker didn't invent vampires but he did make them sexy and popular. They've never really gone out of style either.

So do they decide on a vampire show and then add the love triangle or vice versa? Personally I'm still waiting for the vampire menage a'trois. It would cut right through a lot of the "you have to choose one of us" crap. Katherine didn't play that neither should Elena. I choose both would be so much more fun too.

Besides since we learned slayers are part demon anyway they should be more open minded. Also with Spike around no danger of Angel having that moment of perfect happiness.

While I'm thinking about it, I wonder when and why we got so hung up on the idea of serial monogamy being the only "right" way to do marriage. Polygamy, polyandry, gay marriage should all be ok from the government's point of view as long as taxes get paid, children get sent to school and noone is being abused. Of course with vampires you get none of the above (then again Damian was in the local government so he or Stefan probably were at least paying the property tax on their estate.)

One final unrelated thought Dracula, the novel, begins with the title character hiring an attorney. Wouldn't turning an attorney into a blood sucking fiend be redundant? Anyway Dracula has multiple brides too. No monogamy for princes of darkness.

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[> Re: It's Bram Stoker's Birthday - Celebrate you children of the night -- kim, 17:22:14 11/08/12 Thu (cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com/

The Vampire Diaries was a book series before a TV show, so the triangle was always there. In the books, Stefan and Damon are 500-year-old Italian vampires.

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