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Date Posted: 01:42:12 11/19/12 Mon
Author: Saltygoodness
Author Host/IP: adsl-99-62-37-246.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Re: Hey guys, remember Veggie?
In reply to: veggie 's message, "Hey guys, remember Veggie?" on 06:54:42 11/11/12 Sun

squeeeee!!! veggie, my dear friend. I'm so saddened by Mr. veggie's health issues. You know he now holds the number one spot on my prayer list. But, I'm so glad to know you are around again. I've missed you something fierce.

I second Lewis H about USA. Their programming is fabulous. No replacement for Angel as yet, but several hours of entertainment.

The only thing that is different about my life is where I live. We were victims of a massive forest fire in the Lost Pines of Texas. Our home and land burned not once, but twice. We rescued our dog, lost our kitty, but lost no family members. If you want to know more, let me know and I'll shoot you my email.

Please have a quiet Thanksgiving. We aren't having a celebration at our new home this year. Christmas will be the biggie with all the children except our Marine grandson in attendance. Oh, and I now have a pacemaker. Her name is Emma. I'm not fond of the term pacemaker, but am euphoric about how much better I feel since her installation. Thank you for checking in with us. I'm happier this minute than I have been in years. Hugs and kisses.

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[> [> Thanks, guys. Salty, you are still my role model : ) -- veggie, 03:00:33 11/25/12 Sun (nv-71-49-247-184.dhcp.embarqhsd.net/

Salty, what an amazing tower of strength you are! Losing your home and pet - that must have been heartbreaking. Definately drop me an email, I would love to stay in closer touch. You named your pacemaker? That makes me chuckle, that is so "you". You have such a great sense of humor, and I'm glad you're feeling better.

Lewis, congrats on retiring : )

Kim, rock on with your writing success! That is awesome. Do you have a website for your books? I'll check it out.

Caroline, thanks for the good wishes. Mr. Veggie and I have good days and bad days, but it's getting better every day as we learn how to adjust. We're very optimistic about his recovery.

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[> [> [> Re: Thanks, guys. Salty, you are still my role model : ) -- kim, 08:21:12 12/03/12 Mon (cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com/

Yep, http://carlakrae.blogspot.com/ is my author site. Bio page has links to other pages like Twitter, Facebook, etc. My books are available anywhere you get e-books.

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