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Date Posted: 13:17:37 01/23/13 Wed
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Going to the opera this Friday
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Going to the opera this Friday" on 22:44:31 01/22/13 Tue

I coulda guessed you’d like this guy; Mr. Spock. (Logical; 18th C from Baroque yet recognized by ‘more modern’ Hector Berlioz and R. Wagner). Ha! Beethoven is noted to say that Rossini could have been a great composer had his father more often whacked his backside. (Focus. What Joss keeps saying, “wake up!” /”be” in ‘now!”

While it is cited as one of the greatest comedies (story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Barber_of_Seville

you might enjoy how Bel Canto “works” for those singing it.


As for Rossini’s bio: Very quick bio on page 1; the other pages “delve.”


(I’ve probably told you Mozart is my guy for each day, with Verdi for the wow/form and scale, with Puccini—I love this guy for the sentiment(al)/ tunes you can “whistle.” Hee hee)

I hope you and Libby have a great laugh or two, even as crimes pile high to the sky—but who is counting when it’s L-O-V-E? Ha!

So, the ear plugs are for the opera or the raceway? Hee!

Be well

Glad you made a comment here on your goings on. The board is sleepy.

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[> Re: Going to the opera this Friday -- kim, 04:28:11 01/25/13 Fri (cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com/


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