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Date Posted: 01:02:19 03/17/13 Sun
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-39-205.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Anyone else watching Vampire Diaries

I like Elena as a vampire but they need to let her have even more fun. Eating the opposing cheerleaders and dropping Caroline on her head was a good start though. If the stunt double looks good enough they should definitely do a Katherine vs Elena catfight. That would be too obvious, though. Maybe they should jump in bed together like all the other evil vamps seem to on the show.

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[> Re: Anyone else watching Vampire Diaries -- kim, 09:39:48 03/17/13 Sun (cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com/

Nina Dobrev does a lot of her own stunts because she was a gymnast.

Elena's a bit like Angelus without the master schemes...maybe more like Spike before he was chipped. Always out for a good time. This Thursday's ep, she'll get to play in NYC with only Damon supervising, so he'll teach her enough control to feed without getting caught.

We've seen enough examples of the "humanity switch" not really being an emotion killer to know Elena does feel still. She attacked Caroline because of Caroline's actions earlier in the season, and it bugged her that Stefan and Caroline were having fun together. And so far, she didn't try any of her games on Damon (yet). So, the whole thing creates a lot of conflict for the second half of the season.

On top of Silas raiding all the hospitals for blood and mind-controlling Bonnie.

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