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Date Posted: 21:51:20 04/04/13 Thu
Author: Ares
Author Host/IP: 97-80-241-126.dhcp.sffl.va.charter.com /
Subject: Hello old fam

Finally got my wife to watch Angel with me, been working on her for almost 3 years, she finally relented, anyway rewatching it reminded me of my great times on this board, glad to see it is still alive and kicking...

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[> Re: Hello old fam -- Saltygoodness, 16:04:54 04/05/13 Fri (NoHost/

Well, barely kicking. Come back and infuse us with new insights, opinions or just plain joy or disgust. We need some of the oldie, goldie peeps to make us aware, once again, how much fun Ats was for all of us. If you can't return, it was grand hearing from you. Hugs

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[> Re: Hello old fam -- chuckit25, 12:37:18 04/23/13 Tue (cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com/

April is just always my cruelest month--could be partially the promise of spring kinda promises, but doesn't exactly deliver--ha!-- and I was glad to see you two respond, at least to say hello. You did a good thing!


Gallery time a head, so going east mostly. MA has been very good to me, BTW; I am sorry for such a celebration of life turning out so horrific. I admit it; I am glad that this guy will be adjudicated for people to have some faith in law restored, civilized belief in action, over this super crazy. It seems so important to "what happened" and "why"--no matter that nothing really will help this loss but the embrace of each other.

Be well

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