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Date Posted: 12:11:37 04/24/13 Wed
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Amy shares behind-the-scenes pics!
In reply to: Saltygoodness 's message, "Re: Amy shares behind-the-scenes pics!" on 14:53:19 04/18/13 Thu

I guess I expected the story to actually "stay true" to the notion of "all prophecies come true" and a lot of us fans would a. see Buffy grow up b. Angel shanshu c. they would still be a couple, not merely avatars.

It would seem the ocmics have regressed these people, but not the world itself in such a way, that the "Star Trek" alternative time line, to "have it both ways" is a potential outcome. However, the Fray comics do exist and the story is supposed to be wonderful in the human choosing to be human in the face of the inevitable "everything dies." e.g. Cabin in the Woods, Cloverfield et al these "you lose" solutions as "reality."

No thanks. Any one of us can write the implied promise better.

Guess that will be my last effort here. I will remember you! (too).

Be well

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