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Date Posted: 21:58:45 05/20/13 Mon
Author: kim
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: BTVS finale aired 10 years ago today.

It’s been 10 years since Buffy and the Scooby Gang defeated The First, leaving Sunnydale nothing but an imploded crator. Buffy the Vampire Slayer — Joss Whedon’s cult series about the slayer and her ragtag team of friends — aired its final episode on May 20, 2003. In honor of this anniversary, here are 10 reasons why Buffy kicks ass.

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[> Re: BTVS finale aired 10 years ago today. -- Saltygoodness, 01:40:51 05/21/13 Tue (NoHost/

Ten years. Golly! And I still enjoy every episode as much as I did the first time I watched it. Crazy, absolutely crazy how the little blonde and her friends captured me completely. Oh, to be that invested in another t.v. show before I leave for Heaven. Thanks, my dear kim, for reminding us of this really important date. Hugs

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[> Re: BTVS finale aired 10 years ago today. -- Lewis H., 22:32:12 05/24/13 Fri (adsl-98-85-40-97.mco.bellsouth.net/

It's been a long time since I've even watched a rerun of either ep. It's nice to see most of the actors from Buffy and Angel still making interesting stuff though. Amy on Person of Interest has been wonderful and I still like to watch David on Bones from time to time (although the season finale this year left me saying wtf

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[> Re: BTVS finale aired 10 years ago today. -- Caroline, 21:55:23 05/26/13 Sun (b0f873b9.bb.sky.com/

I can't believe it's been ten years! Crikey, now I feel ancient!

We love Bones here and have not yet seen the series finale so will be looking out for that with interest.

Usual disgustingly wet spring in the UK. We are now having a Bank Holiday, which hasn't been too bad so far. The house has been in uproar as the ceilings have been down and the carpets up and even the cats have been coated in plaster dust.

On the plus side, I've been offered a new job at a school about 15 miles south of me. It was in special measures in 2011 but has been improving and should get a Good in its next inspection. They are very determined to get to Outstanding and I am looking forward to being part of that journey.

I hope you're all well and that life is being kind.

Lots of love


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