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Date Posted: 18:54:02 09/11/13 Wed
Author: kim
Author Host/IP: cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com /
Subject: Juliet had to bow out of the play, but James is getting rave reviews

Juliet news: http://www.presstelegram.com/arts-and-entertainment/20130909/juliet-landau-has-left-the-bells-of-west-87th-co-star-james-marsters-of-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-remains

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[> Re: Love that picture -- chuckit25, 12:09:36 09/12/13 Thu (cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com/

Honestly, I think all those work opportunities have a lot to do with "London" aka home.

I think that picture also reminds of how really wonderful Spike and Dru were; they were never boring!

James always was a worthy actor; I am so glad he is getting the (worthy) page also worthy of the stage, live and broadcast, acknowledged on the "page." I think he really does inhabit a character.

I'm sorry, but I'm not the world's greatest DB fan, actually. Even if I think what happened to Spike's character was at cost to BTVS in entirety.

DB's physicality is great, but David dropped his face into "David enjoys himself" in most of the stunts, he just gets goofy and his boredom shows through the "mask"--a huge never ending metaphor to everything "Angel."

I feel like we really don't see Juliet Landau's stuff. Some film, I forget, Yellow Wallpaper had some decent ideas and even moments, but she is kept in a "high necked" gothic kind of horror she has been typecast as. I honestly loved her in modern dress, "Ciao, baby" and with Darla. Some real chops in that stuff.

I hope the New Year and Renewal was happy for some of you celebrating it!
Be well!

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[> Re: Juliet had to bow out of the play, but James is getting rave reviews -- LB, 17:27:57 09/18/13 Wed (cpc11-cosh13-2-0-cust881.6-1.cable.virginmedia.com/

Aww, seeing them together again makes me nostalgic. They did have a heck of a chemistry as Spike and Dru - good times :)

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