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Date Posted: 18:30:36 10/18/13 Fri
Author: chuckit25 (The voy on death support)
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Hey, HEY! Michael!
In reply to: Michael 's message, "Good Morning!" on 07:21:08 10/17/13 Thu

Thanks for the long list of funnies over on the blue board. (General Spoilage) if anyone is nostalgic.

The comics are still going and Angel's book, with Faith, this season was the big saving grace for the Buffyverse.

I am afraid the hellmouth is closing in Sunnyhell and Cthulu is just a bag of lint. Fic still is going and a few forums, not to mention, Whedonesque always stays current with Joss and his world of "demons."

I hope you find a good home, Michael. You deserve the love for saving the world, a lot, as last Watcher, holding up a lantern of hope and light.

Be well!
Your humble servant always,

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