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Date Posted: 09:44:34 12/02/13 Mon
Author: veggieburger
Author Host/IP: ip70-173-174-184.lv.lv.cox.net /
Subject: Hi, gulys - just checking in.
In reply to: chuckit25@msn.com 's message, "HAPPY THANKSGIVIKA!!" on 23:44:44 11/25/13 Mon

chuckit, I caught your very kind mention of me in the "Transitions" thread. I'm afraid life has not been so great for me the last year and a half. Mr. Veggie had a stroke in July 2012 which disabled him, and then they found brain cancer. I quit work to take care of him and he passed away in May 2013. Since then, I've been struggling with some health issues of my own and just trying to get back on my feet. I think of you guys often but I've kind of cocooned myself these last six months.

Fandom-wise, I've embraced the Marvel Avengers geek world - really into Agents of Shield. Also loving Hell On Wheels - Colm Meany is the best charming villain since JR Ewing (IMHO). Other than that, not really following TV all that much these days.

I had to smile over the mention of the Angel comics. I stopped following them after "After The Fall". So it was very interesting to read about the newest developments.

Hope you are all well. I'll be okay. Life moves forward.

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[> [> Re: Hi, gulys - just checking in. -- kim, 09:49:52 12/04/13 Wed (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

Aw, honey, I'm so sorry about Mr. Veggie.

Shield just keeps getting better and better. Enjoying it, too.

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