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Date Posted: 21:11:01 02/07/14 Fri
Author: Caroline
Author Host/IP: 5adbc7c5.bb.sky.com /
Subject: You can stick teaching ...

I give up. In fact, I have given up. I've had enough of 15 year olds swearing at me and telling me I'm useless. I'm looking for an admin job now.

The attrition rate for teachers is 40% every year. I wonder what it will be like when Mr Gove introduces 10 hour days? And after that, you have to go home to do your marking and prepare your lessons for the next day. I foresee a 70% rate!

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[> Re: You can stick teaching ... -- kim, 07:37:55 02/08/14 Sat (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

I'm sorry. Teenagers can be rough, especially the general education classes. In honors or Advanced Placement the kids are focused on learning and much better behaved. My mother taught high school for 30 years and had the most complaints about teaching freshmen. The majority of her years were with AP students that made her really happy.

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[> [> Re: You can stick teaching ... -- chuckit25@msn.com, 14:14:36 02/08/14 Sat (cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com/


First. There is no teaching, only learning.

Second. It takes being "the other" that steals your words and unexamined thoughts and finally silences you, maybe to even keep your very life, to figure out your own beliefs own you, despite any and all other evidence that may exist: the one that says "Thanks."

Third. Now it's clear to you why those who "get to" to do (men) and those who "can't" are called to teach aka "the holy work" or even art. "Woman's work" is always the backbone of society, for her work is invisible and the shape isn't in use. It's shape is always potential. It isn't a table or a plow, a book, or a bomb. It is the making of a human being with her own body, in the womb, and making a person, from heart and mind, out of that human born. Like the inspired artist, relegated to the ranks of prostitute, in the selling of what is divinely inspired and therefore holy for money, the enlightened to power decide: No money is given for what is priceless, and no price is payable for the divine. Now you know what is "important" and what can't be paid for. That means the rotten kids and you are actually in the same boat. No tools to do the job and no respect for the need to have them. The IPOD kid is lonelier than the ignorant on a hill with nothing but the wind to carve out nature's orders.

Fourth. Teaching is a calling and the suffering isn't only the teacher's. Consider what it takes to master, crush, and kill a creature that fights with all it's being just to exist and to be born to wonder, to want, to need to understand everything, but find the battleground is not just in your head.

Fifth. That which a society values it gets because paying for what can't be paid for always costs too much.

Sixth. Hope is the cruelest because it refuses to die somewhere.

Seventh. it takes expertise of all your being put into a kafkaesque reality that mostly puts you inside the sack of rocks being used to beat you over your own head.

Eighth. Knowing the difference is all the difference, when all that survives a shipwreck is what you keep, and that is why I can truly say, "Thank you."
Be well!

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[> Re: You can stick teaching ... -- Caroline, 17:29:24 02/11/14 Tue (5adbc7c5.bb.sky.com/

Hmm, well, all I can say is that I wish I had never thought of becoming a teacher. It has largely been a source of misery. I wish the students I had been teaching had been 'born to wonder, to want, to need to understand everything' - I would have loved that. Unfortunately, they were born to demand that everything should be handed to them on a plate (including the answers to exams!). There was no wonder and no understanding, although plenty of wanting, generally of the 'I want you to go **** yourself'.

Love to you all


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[> [> Re: You can stick teaching ... -- kim, 05:54:16 02/12/14 Wed (cpe-75-85-80-49.socal.res.rr.com/

Yes, that's the problem with too many parents raising their kids as a friend nowadays stead of being an authority figure to them. Tell the nasty brats no on occasion, people.

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[> [> [> Re: You can stick teaching ... -- Caroline, 13:36:12 02/12/14 Wed (5adbc7c5.bb.sky.com/

You're quite right, Kim. They hardly ever hear 'no' or 'that's not acceptable/appropriate'. Too many of them have extraordinarily short attention spans and want instant gratification. It's quite scary, really.

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