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Date Posted: 11:09:09 04/17/12 Tue
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-41-155.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: I need some smiles - MNA

In the great scheme of life, waiting around for repairmen isn't exactly up there on the list of plagues but it isn't on the list of fun ways to spend a day of ones life so while I'm waiting, I'm going to make one of my usual collages. What do I like:


Once you go green you never go back.

Bad girls:

her name is Liliana Vess. (You can do the anagram yourself.
Anyway besides being my favorite character in my favorite card game her card is actually quite powerful as well.)

The magical bad girls in the Buffyverse are almost as much fun:

You know what would be fun? An alternate universe where instead of watching tragedy after tragedy with the heroes, we see a team of powerful dark characters that kick ass and take names. I think a lot of us really liked the episodes that featured Angelus, Darla, Spike, and Dru. Imagine adding Dark Willow and Vampire Buffy to the team.
You could tell similar stories to what we saw but instead of fighting to save Sunnydale (which turned out to be pointless) they could just fight to become the most powerful.

Too bad we only got to see a vampire Buffy in that one "nightmare" ep. How much fun would it have been to have Buffy, Willow, and Xander all vampy?

Ok that's enough fun for one day. Probably blew up the bandwidth.

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[> Re: I need some smiles - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 19:41:30 04/17/12 Tue (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

I'll never forget hearing that DB and spouse named their son Jayden Rayne (sp?) because it was raining the night he was born. If that is a blatant lie, someone with more knowledge correct me.

Lovely MNA, Lewis H. Thank you so much. Since I'm a mental midgit, would you do the anagram for me, please? Otherwise, I'll go quietly nutter. Thank you in advance. Hugs

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[> Re: I need some smiles - MNA -- Ripper, 11:19:34 04/18/12 Wed (NoHost/

Saltygoodness, I'm not Lewis H. (obviously), but it's an anagram of A VILLIANESS

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[> Re: I need some smiles - MNA -- kim, 02:44:26 04/19/12 Thu (cpe-75-82-47-112.socal.res.rr.com/

Lewis, there was a fanfic that reversed the roles of the characters - The good guys were the bad guys and bad guys the good guys. Really creative!

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