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Date Posted: 17:02:32 04/23/12 Mon
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-39-234.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Nice to know the Voy Demon lives - MNA

So I posted one earlier and it get eaten. (Internal system error means my post is now inside a hungry Voy demon. I shouldn't have mentioned Demodex, it's probably a relative.)

So my mind being a sieve let's see if I can remember what I did not 5 minutes ago.

I had this whole thing about grocery shopping and forgetting items and leaving grocers in the freezer. I'm sure it wasn't near as clever as I think it was.

I was also speculating about where Darla might shop for ammo but then again consider how badly guns worked out for her she probably just gave up on the whole Bonnie Parker schtick.

We know that Dru likes to shop. Imagine Spike sitting around while she tries on clothes. Actually just imagining Spike in the mall at all is kind of amusing especially souled Spike who has to be a good boy and not eat the annoying kiosk sales people.

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[> Re: Nice to know the Voy Demon lives - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 21:21:40 04/23/12 Mon (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

Well, my post just disappeared. So, thanks Lewis H. It is a wonderful MNA and I've never seen the photo of Dru and Spike. Hugs

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[> [> It's a manip pic -- kim, 13:57:05 04/24/12 Tue (cpe-75-82-47-112.socal.res.rr.com/

They inserted James into a shot of Juliet. Not a bad job, though.

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[> Ha Ha -- just loved the Spike and Dru picture! -- truelove, 11:46:06 04/24/12 Tue (NoHost/

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