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Date Posted: 10:43:47 04/27/12 Fri
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-173.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: It doesn't seem like 3 days - MNA

Being a pessimist is no fun. Right now everything in my condo is working right, just got my insurance lowered, got the phone switched over to Magic jack after a month in technical support hell. So now I'm instead of enjoying it I'm wondering what's going to go wrong next. If it's the stove I'll be happy cause it's a piece of crud. Ok enough about the mundania of day to day life. You came here for an orgy and an orgy is what you will get.

and now the voy demon will take all your wicked souls and eat them cause s/he is a gaint electronic internet bitca.

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[> Re: It doesn't seem like 3 days - MNA -- chuckit25 (THANKS for YOU showing up!), 15:13:59 04/27/12 Fri (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/


"Smidge" is going for a second child.

Sorry to dash, sorrier to have missed out on Ripper's Riddles and sorriest to not spend time with you.

Working my marrow to squish. April is the cruelest month.

Be well!

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[> Re: It doesn't seem like 3 days - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 22:32:16 04/27/12 Fri (adsl-99-62-37-101.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

Oh my soul! Lewis H, thank you for the photos. And, chuckit25, thank you for the head's up about Sarah. *sigh* I always wanted Cordelia and Xander to wind up together. Thought they were a marvelous couple. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Wonderful MNA

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