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Date Posted: 12:10:03 05/07/12 Mon
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-32-6.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: It must be summer or something - MNA

The site tends to slow down right around now every year probably due to finals, travel, etc. Or perhaps you've all been eaten by wolves and I'm talking to myself. Nothing new there. I'm a good audience.

Besides wolves like my MNA's they just don't have opposable thumbs so they can't post.

they especially like my alternate universe where Oz bites Buffy and then they eat everyone else. (Not all at once of course. We have to have a full season.) (Oh and we have much better wolf effects than the cheap ones on the show.)

While I'm on this whole wolf them here's the best one imo.

Vampires probably don't taste very good which is why they couldn't just sick Oz on Angelus. (Terry Pratchett is the only author who figured that besides stakes and decapitation and fire, being eaten probably wasn't good for vampires either. Of course he used a cat that ate a vampire that was in bat form but same principle.)

So the last time a movie actually managed to scare me was the Howling. The didn't have CGI yet but they transformed to a werewolf without using stop motion or animation which is how they had to do it before then. An American Werewolf in London did it even better but I don't find that film quite as scary for some reason.

Hopefully we'll get a few more posts this week. Like to know what everyone is up to. Bridge, Magic the Gathering, and video games (waiting with bated breath for the Diablo III launch on the 15th) is what I'm up to besides (hopefully) entertaining you with these montages. Have fun and keep keeping it unreal.

and here's a blast from the past.


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[> While I'm at it here's why I love Angelique -- Lewis H., 12:53:54 05/07/12 Mon (adsl-98-85-32-6.mco.bellsouth.net/

Angelique dies a lot in the original Dark Shadows.


She comes back a lot too though:


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[> Re: It must be summer or something - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 06:57:26 05/09/12 Wed (NoHost/

A few days of confusion in the life of one Saltygoodness. Things seem to be back to normal now, so here I am to enjoy everything left for the board during that passage of time. What a grand MNA, dear Lewis H. I've always found being eaten by a werewolf vs. being bitten by a vampire to be a no brainer. I don't want anyone tearing hunks of my flesh off my bones. Bring on the neck biters. If, of course, I have a choice.

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[> Amazing MNA - there's Quentin Collins -- truelove, 13:37:57 05/09/12 Wed (NoHost/

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