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Date Posted: 07:05:31 05/09/12 Wed
Author: Saltygoodness
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Am I wrong or is Oz ...
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Am I wrong or is Oz ..." on 12:26:46 05/07/12 Mon

I always felt Joss was killing Buffy to keep Sarah in line. Of course, he could hardly have replaced her after Season 1, but maybe Dawn was introduced to take over her sister's place. Another threat to Sarah. Matters not. Buffy was some of the most riveting and interesting television I have ever seen. Now, you younguns, you know someone who has been watching the blasted tube since its inception. Buffy and later, Angel, were both grand shows. But to answer the original question and disprove the rumor Salty has gone around the bend, Oz and Dawn were, along with Riley, the only characters to not die on the show. I think Joss kept Dawn around to aggravate the fans who hated her so much.

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[> [> Re: And then there is Andrew -- chuckit25, 14:59:47 05/13/12 Sun (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

PLEASE! Just end this annoying (betraying) indulged "pet" and nerdy now Dollhouse "wonder."

Joss loves the annoying ones and kills off those we care for; I don't even know if in season 8 if Oz was one of the wolves or what happened to Bae and his kid in Tibet? Anyone know?

It doesn't seem "they" have any interest in Willow other than to keep her a magic junkie. Too bad. She had so much more to her. Now that is annoying. SPOILER ALERT:

Willow and Faith and Angel will go with Connor to Quortoth.

Does anyone even care? Joss is again "doing too much" so these comics are "just comics" now to me. I am mighty glad I read Bryan Lynch's "After the Fall." Good place to end it in "my" understanding of Angel "becoming a real boy."

Be well

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