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Date Posted: 16:38:31 05/21/12 Mon
Author: Saltygoodness
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Gonna be a away for awhile. MNA to tide you over
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Gonna be a away for awhile. MNA to tide you over" on 11:52:11 05/21/12 Mon

Lovely, lovely, lovely. Have a wonderful trip. You will be missed terribly. However, knowing someone who can actually post on a Kindle makes my day!
Thanks for the photo of the last Angel crew. Have they all been killed off in the comics. If so, how sad. I prefer my crew alive and well. Be safe.

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[> [> It's a Kindle fire is why -- Lewis H., 10:37:37 05/22/12 Tue (adsl-98-85-32-6.mco.bellsouth.net/

gives me full internet access along with being able to buy and read books. I can bring an entire library (literally) with me thanks to Project Gutenberg.

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[> [> [> Re: It's a Kindle fire is why -- Sajtygoodness, 23:18:06 05/22/12 Tue (NoHost/

I know. Ny children gave me one for Christmas. I'm struggling to make use of all its applications and inspired by those of you who have already done so.

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[> [> [> [> Re: It's a Kindle fire is why -- Lewis H., 16:08:57 05/23/12 Wed (adsl-98-85-32-6.mco.bellsouth.net/

A lot of it is learn by doing. The main thing is knowing how to access the tools menu and the internet settings menu. Sometimes when they do updates they reset things and you need to have Flash and cookies enabled and the factory default (for me anyway) was disabled.

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