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Date Posted: 11:10:29 06/18/12 Mon
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-149.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Going Green MNA

Still spending most of my free time playing Diablo 3 but my other source of entertainment is the huge horde of frogs that have been serenading us non stop since we got into our rainy season. They sound bigger than usual but mayber they are just louder. I've only seen baby ones though.

It's not easy finding pics with green in them and I don't think any of our stars ever appeared with Kermit either. Oh well. I'll do what I can.

Of course Seth is Green every day (and his wife makes all us geek guys green with envy.)

I don't think green is David's color but at least there is foliage in the foreground. Who knows maybe there are even frogs in it.

Fortunately Joss directed the Avengers so I knew I'd be able to find him with something green. Did you know that
Thor was once turned into a frog by the way?

He still kicked Loki's ass. Walt Simonson wrote and drew some of my favorite comics.

So anyway Rayne, Louisiana calls itself the frog capital of the world. That's fine by me. I'm not taking a frog census.

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[> Re: Going Green MNA -- chuckit25, 14:07:26 06/21/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

A fake Mr. Peanut or a disguised world, dominating croaker-robot frog? Love the top hat! It wasn't the size that mattered! However, he could have been a copper and turned green!

I heard there is a froggie who will twang this magic twanger thingie; I think you described what it really is with Ms. Green, even if Seth wears the green button over his heart.

Of course, dear Willow, with her frog fear. (of princes? or of fertility? or just changing a tad?) Seems she spawned thousands of princesses, some who were green with jealousy, according to the comics. Not to be the idle toad of gossip here. No wonder she decided the wolf was not as good as a Green--I never knew that about Loki, considered he ate Odin

And! there is frogger of the 80's (frogger. net) who is still trying to (not be roadkill) get across to the road to get to the next level. And he is FREE! I tell ya. FREEE!

Now what's with the Red Beard(s)? Red Beard, also a free game, http://www.primarygames.com/arcade/adventure/redbeard/
and a movie by Kurosawa, not to mention the first British tactical nuclear weapon, carried by air force V bombers, for example, which, all in all, fits what these two red beards do for a living. And they make a lot of green doing it.

So...you haven't fragmented far enough, with only two of you in conversation.

When I and myself found me, as the object, all talking about one thing and another, I discovered that made me god, not crazy. And the interesting thing when god dies, you still have death. The last shall be first and wins all the green! So! You'll never be lonely, death keeps us all company; and you won't always have need for the green, but kinda become it, all green and wrinkly, from pocket change to paper, when we all croak in me, myself and I in three part harmony! That's what's going on in the bushes. ha!

I am aware that "keeping the weight off" an injury is very good, but do move that ankle, just a bit gently (to keep some flexibility) and to actually stress it for greater blood flow for faster healing. Obviously, use a bit of ice after so you don't balloon up with an leg zit for an ankle, exploding horrible and frightening colors. This thing is a strain, right? Not a sprain? I feel for ya, big and gushy, if you actually sprained the ankle; they can be worse than a break! (Cast included!)

I know! I know! FIFTY. Jeebers. We are near the same age. Like I said, it takes all day, just to maintain! I have been so lucky to have this weird staying up thingie, but I also notice that it takes huge efforts in work outs to get me dopamined enough to finally crash properly.

Caffeine, for example, just makes you jittery, hitting the same dopamine buttons in the brain, but not the same way, more an anxiety response, not really that "awake" thing even good breathing secures; and even a single cup can affect sleep cycles. I love coffee, oh, yeah, the yum; but aging makes me have to work hard, as I admire that good sleep!

Yes, I admit skipping any stuff like Tae Kwando, hard-styles, (I do much worse for close in, actually), as I prefer T'ai Chi or really modern Aikido and always have, as I just like the "moving meditation." I mostly hate exercise and am too lazy for it. ha ha!

Wow! Great programs on telly re Florida restoration of Coral Reefs (n' sponges) and "hunting the (invasive) lion" fish to do it, including eating them, as delicious! For once a "do" instead of so many "don'ts" to keep Florida waters diverse and healthy. They actually like night divers, using their torches to gobble disoriented fish whole! Yes, they are voracious; yes, they have venom, but don't "sting" unless harrassed. Which is only fair, considering you want to eat them. Very pretty lion:


So...Odin's kid was turned into a frog? Odin used to ride an 8 legged horse, and he thought witchcraft was strictly for women, but he got hoisted onto a tree, stabbed by his own spear, and that taught him 9 kinds of dimensions, along with the 9 runes (later doubled) as a way to poetically mark all those inspired expletives. At least the frog can magically change. No wonder he gets the crown! (Loki, the wolf, did eat Odin, so it follows Thor would be upset. ha!)

That frog isn't hopping mad, he is freaking the hell out. 75 cents? Three greenbacks ain't what it used to be toaday.
Be well!

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[> Re: Going Green MNA -- Saltygoodness, 19:12:30 06/22/12 Fri (NoHost/

I would absolutely swear on my mother's grave that I commented on the MNA. Scares the bejesus out of me that there isn't a response. Oh, well, thank you, Lewis H. It is a lovely MNA and I enjoyed it ........ twice.

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