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Date Posted: 10:12:13 06/29/12 Fri
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Here comes the sun - MNA

The tropical storm bands have finally passed us by. The sun is out the birds are singing but for some reason I'm inside sitting in front of my computer.

At least I'm not wearing an ugly bathing suit. (I'll leave my apparel or lack thereof to your imagination.)

I can't actually go to the beach but I last week we did go to this wonderful Joe's Crabshack in Daytona that is right at the end of the boardwalk so I could at least look at the beach. (We all have crosses to bear. Mine is my skin which is why I'm sitting in front of my PC instead of outside. Oh well. I could go out on the balcony. I'd be reasonably safe there. Me and the vampires.)

We no longer burn witches at the stake we let them get sunburns instead.

I don't think Seth is much for outdoors either. Everyone else I googled with beach in the search came up with beach pics. he came up with long beach comic con.

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[> Re: Here comes the sun - MNA -- kim, 18:34:00 06/29/12 Fri (cpe-75-82-41-188.socal.res.rr.com/

3rd pic isn't showing up.

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[> Re: Here comes the sun - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 20:26:46 06/29/12 Fri (NoHost/

I think the 3rd pic is of Allyson and her little one, right? Thanks for the MNA about water. If one lives in Texas or the southwest, water is at a premium and really needed.

I'm so anxious about my children in Colorado I forgot to give you a special thanks for the beach scene with DB and Jayden. I have to admit I 've given DB's "ugly" swim trunks absolutely not attention. Hugs

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