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Date Posted: 11:28:24 07/16/12 Mon
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: It's always hard
In reply to: Gachnar 's message, "Thanks" on 13:10:10 07/14/12 Sat

my girlfriend goes through it ever few years and I don't know how she manages. I can't bear to have any kind of pets for that reason. I even get upset when a plant dies.
Thank goodness cactus are so hardy. Glad you are well Gachnar we all were a bit worried what with all the bad things that can happen in the world. It's sort of strange but I think of all of the people on this board as friends even though I will probably never meet any of you in person.

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[> [> [> Me too, Lewis. Thank you. -- gachnar, 15:01:11 07/16/12 Mon (70-58-93-111.tukw.qwest.net/

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[> [> [> [> Re: Me too, Lewis. Thank you. -- chuckit25, 14:51:23 07/18/12 Wed (cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com/

Ah...not Garbo. I thought that was such a great name, back in the day, and I had no idea how pretty. It's something that just hurts and there is no help for it for a long while. I think those everyday things of "seeing her" get you until you are a little glad for all those other funny or fun things, too.

I have had few pets, they tend to live "forver," and I always say now that I am getting up there and that some are off the "menu"--well, you know what I mean. I have the comfort of my daughter's willingness to take them, should something happen to me. It's just a shock when it happens to them.

I am part of the growing trend of people who are taking older rescues, and that happened only once with a dog, some folks couldn't keep when they stayed here; cats find me and I admit that my vet bills are insane in "prevention."

One geezer--age unknown, but a tabby whose face is turning white and white whiskered has to be up there, seemed to be on some wobbly pins in my efforts to help keep his teeth. Finally taking them all and a bit of steriod for the hip; he is like a kitten, I lie not! He is the watcher of the others and I know I couldn't "herd cats" without him. I am grateful for him.

No, I don't believe in "barn cats" or how these guys show up here, including declawed!!!--the HORROR and torture--people don't deserve cats if they love furniture over a living thing; it also means they aren't paying enough attention to the cat for them to know what is theirs to shred. Nothing says they won't punish you or at least pout once in a while.

DOG: He feeds me and pets me, he must be god
CAT: He feeds me and pets me, I must be god.

I think that is the sweetest or funniest thing I read here; the great terminator of all hope, the Cthulu of the depths of all darkness is our tenderest soul! I didn't get a cactus, not being here for so long, but I will try to see if I can brave one. It is tenderness that actually makes people drown things and I learned that pinching rootsie toes and some stresses force plants to bloom, as they think they are about to die. So the green thumbed are really the great monsters who walk among us? Veggie heads are the terror of the planet? Who knew!

I am grateful for those too tender to know they are and for those who endure the loss to have joy fill it and both to have made the world better for all life.

Thanks for your mercy for your baby. Your gift was brave and honors life.
Be well

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[> [> [> [> Oh, Chuck ... -- gachnar, 17:18:18 07/19/12 Thu (70-58-93-111.tukw.qwest.net/

Thank you so much.

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Oh, Chuck ... -- chuckit25, 16:18:04 08/16/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com/

Hugs and "silent meows" say the same thing. You are always welcome, even if being quiet and not wanting to be alone, but a good yowl might work, you are welcome. I just know there is joy coming for you because you knew how to give so much of it.

Be well

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