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Date Posted: 13:06:15 07/18/12 Wed
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Drop back 10 and punt - MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Drop back 10 and punt - MNA" on 12:06:48 07/10/12 Tue

Well, I gotta admit finding that coming out of my autoshop rag would be a welcome surprise, like middle America's Ondine. The center panel needs to go on Piper's dress. Silk organza? She looks like a rail in this picture...is that little storklet really Piper Perabo?

I think I could believe the sister as a spy on Covert Affairs more than Piper, but she and Augie are cute and Sendhil as ambitious overlord with a squishy beet for a heart keeps me hoping that the grown ups will actually do something like clever or with a twist, even a twisted yawn; beats watching the snooze.

Comics and catch up on Treme, Damages, Burn Notice, White Collar, even Breaking Bad, are moving in (to my eyelids). But I have had to watch Treme twice to keep track of the plot. I think the thing should have been put out on CDs and call it a day.

Khandi Alexander and Melissa Leo are the only reason I don't just find the music and be done with it, even if Clarke Peters(Big Chief Lambreaux) does my activist nature good; he does the part with such (rage) dignity, I don't see how a person wouldn't be shamed to death to not give him he asks. And the good guy beat someone to death. yikes.

There's a phenom called "Mark Watches" and he has never seen Buffy or Angel. It's very amusing how emotional he is in seeing this stuff without having been spoiled. You may wish to check out some of it as it is currently running. http://markwatches.net/reviews/category/buffy-the-vampire-slayer/
and for Angel http://markwatches.net/reviews/

AND JEEBERS, LEWIS! You were so right to rec this show Perosn of Interest; and AMY is awesomer than ever in this part. I think that is about the only network show that is "must watch." I do watch Grimm and Once Upon a Time, Supernatural really is, as it doesn't seem to die, but it's good enough fun. Vampire Diaries just isn't Joss. Just isn't, but no one is near as annoying, either.

I heard Mentalist might get good again. And Horatio will retire his shades. Don't forget Dr. HOrrible on CW in fall.

That's my fall back er back to fall schedule, as nothing is gripping me. I'm stale and jaded or just expect to see something without ADHD maybe.

DB looks shiny. rap,rap, rap Penny, rap,rap,rap, Penny, rap,rap,rap Penny. Knockout. Wow...Kaley!

Found this from that award show link and is the whole family of DB, for the curious. His daughter (with the god awful name Bardot (ugh) Bella Vita Boreanaz) seems to be a big handful and pretty, too. Jaden is huge at 10 now? (and I never see that kid smile; his dad pays a lot of attention to him; what's his damage?)


wait...this is JULY...it's been summer since around February...I can't believe we have well summer still ahead.
Big drought so carnivore or vegetarian, we all will suffer ahead. (I got zillions of tomatoes, tons of parsley, cilantro, peppers, frroooitz n fleurs for some reason; somebody threw water at 'em). Betcha they will be of use!
Be well

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