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Date Posted: 16:17:33 07/20/12 Fri
Author: chuckit25 (I just knew it was w.o.r.k.)
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: This is a test of the emergency MNA system
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "This is a test of the emergency MNA system" on 12:50:01 07/20/12 Fri

I think 911 is the local response to that MNA--just wowderful.

Everyone looks scruptious; and again, I never saw this picture. You seem to know the dark and far passages of the hellmouth to seduce us all to embrace the "fall" that some greedy demon of all that is good for gobbling doesn't know good "family values" when he is looking at it. SHARING THE FEAST. heh.

I mean Neapolitan yumminess in full flower and flavor, dapper Giles on a stick, and pure cheesecake with that curly and sultry posed Xander. A full meal! An MNA for snacking and smacking (the not so stupid voy who doesn't want to share such desserts will get his just desserts when we smack him a bit)

Be well!

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[> Re: This is a test of the emergency MNA system -- Saltygoodness, 04:08:58 07/23/12 Mon (97-121-138-23.clsp.qwest.net/

Unfortunately, as we have found out, Voy must be fed. But, its still a grand MNA. Wish you could have squeezed just a tiny photo of you know who, but I will not be pouty. Thank you, dearest Lewis H, for persevering agains the Vou demon.

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