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Date Posted: 14:36:59 08/14/12 Tue
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Anybody watching Grimm?

It started on Monday, August 13 at 10 ET, which can be seen on line: http://www.nbc.com/grimm/

and will shift to Friday on September 14. This is the Greenwalt one, and the protagonist is kind of (improving) ATS, with a cop navigating between the human world/supernatural world and making those hard judgments on who lives and who dies. A big bad with a sekrit agenda is doing the same thing; and raises the stakes for this season. I have greater faith in this one having his favors better repaid and his (growing) helper family actually making it to the finish line in some way. Suicidal FU to power; genetic kung fu; and "tech is the tool of the "Evil Overlord" tropes are working my last nerve.

I have to look up the Fairy Tale one of Once Upon a Time that shifts to Sunday at 8 ET.

Be well

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[> Second season -- kim, 22:44:57 08/14/12 Tue (cpe-75-82-41-188.socal.res.rr.com/

We've watched from the start. Love it.

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[> [> Re: Second season -- chuckit25, 19:25:32 08/16/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com/

Aren't you nice! Thanks for making a big fact out of my muddle. I, too, saw it from the beginning; hence my miffedness for missing the premiere! I hope you all can catch up. It's not a procedural. It's "demon of the week" that is building to evil overlord. Greenwalt. Not Joss.

IN case of curiosity. I find reality shows crowding out "imagination." Maybe you would rather see "Once Upon a Time, that makes the real world the fantasy, and the fantasy world reality surrounding Snow White and consequences, consequences!

You can view these, even on Netflix now, or look up the episodes on Wiki, also.

Be well

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[> I watched the first 2 or 3 eps -- Lewis H., 12:53:12 08/16/12 Thu (adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net/

It didn't really grab me. It just has a very dark feeling where no matter what he does it doesn't really seem like he can win in the long run.

I'm still waiting for a series along the lines of Alien Nation where the supernatural creatures are known and more or less accepted as long as they don't break the law.

Lost Girl is a bit closer to that idea although the Fae hide in plain sight and police themselves.

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[> [> Re: I watched the first 2 or 3 eps -- chuckit25, 18:33:59 08/16/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com/

Ha! WE came to exactly the opposite conclusion. Again! Fist this is Greenwalt, not Joss. Second the hero is moving some understanding between the fae and human worlds as he builds this odd little family, It wasn't because of the (wooden) performance of "our hero" but in the story. (And the great wolf, his mentor, who navigates both worlds).

Grimm’s "calling" basically said, “trust no one,” which begs how he managed to get born at all; so he has his human partner to whom he lies, but can't hide "reality; " and to the wolf, he tells the truth, who knows reality better than does Grimm. (That guy's story holds greater threat in a failure, that has to happen, probably in the effort for a mate, and actually holds a lot of interest to me too, in nature and friendship, and what makes for betrayal that just “can’t be helped”—kinda like Wes’s dealio with Connor. But these guys don’t “spare each other’s feelings by manly silence and sneaking behind each other’s backs to prove all this love is in the room).

It’s already clear that Grimm doesn’t dish out “death penalty justice” alone. He educates and warns, and even commits crime that wouldn’t “look good” for the “by-the-book cop, too.

Yes, those who won’t adapt will die, or play the part of the henchmen for the evil Overlord, but most tend to be “just folk” and are blackmailed, or stupid, or actually hope for a world that isn’t You know the one. The vampire world with no people in it is “worth dying for”. The Overlord calls out: And lunch today will be…” Oh, yeah… righto, Overlord. (When actually the “lack of funding” pretty much bumps them all off)..

Juliette, the girlfriend, is not as oblivious as she has been made to appear and that means, ultimately, she has to learn/know this Grimm thing is genetic, so she will raise her kid how to navigate this stuff instead of springing it on her when she is half murdered and doubts her sanity, or starts self medicating to support her denial.

I have a lot of hope and faith in Juliette and the strange little family of people and fae that is being built to win the day of all surviving over that of the uber Overlord “Hunger Games” scenario. Why? There are two overlords. Heh.

Evil uberlord two thinks evil uberlord one is a bug. Neither bother with fae or humans, as they are the fodder. Next, human and fae start spending down what uberlord one thinks he controls. This causes uberlord two to confront the bug, uberlord one, He, too, wouldn’t bother with fae or human fodder. What these two really fear is each other thwarting their supreme evil plan over the other. Give them what they want: the opportunity to do so. Secure the place of their greatest interest as the meeting place. It might be fae, tech or money, or the source to make them appear as one thing or another. Pick your own plot point.

The one thing the uberlords don’t actually have is the willingness to set aside their differences, because there aren’t any “differences to set aside”—evil—to actually win, which is what the humans and fae can do; and have already shown is the nature of what happens, on the show, as the worlds of the odd little family grows closer and crosses one into the other AS the “one world.”.

So use the fae to do cop things, cops do fae things giving the same appearance, but a whole different advantage. This enables this group to secure the place of interest that each overlord needs or believes will give him the final way to overthrow the other and control the entire world for his own. NOW put a single gun (or “magical artifact”) between our two evil overlords. Ther struggle in the right place is all you need, Plot the self imposed destruction, as you wish. Of course, Cthulu showing up from an alter dimension for a snack wouldn’t hurt to deal with the henchmen, if losing and other ‘justice” isn’t bad enough.

I have to add real quick, before your last nerve fails you, that I won’t be near tech on your birthday, so start collecting those wishes in your dream catcher for your most happy one yet! And let your cactus have a drink on me!

Be well

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[> Re: Anybody watching Grimm? -- krazy kat, 22:26:28 08/16/12 Thu (p4300.mpm.edu/

I enjoy Grimm a lot. Also Lost Girl. To me, these are fun shows so far. I thought they introduced Nick's mother fairly well in the season 2 opener.

Also, there is a web series produced by Bryan Singer called H+ that you can find on Youtube. Alexis Denisof is in this series, starting in episode 5. By the end, this season will feel like a 90 minute movie that you can shift the scene orders around with yourself, as episodes consist of scenes of various lengths, such as 5 minutes or so. The production value is really good so far. Basically, it's a sci fi series about people getting the internet literally put inside their bodies. Which then kills a huge portion of the earth's population. Oops.

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[> [> Re: Anybody watching Grimm? -- chuckit25, 10:32:21 08/17/12 Fri (cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com/

HIya, Krazy Kat! My great partner in the same kinda stuff. I was indeed aware of H+ (because I adore Alexis, Alsion and Charlotte bbecause they are so good on TV, becaue Lewis finds these utterly perfectly adorable sane and happy pictures of them). I didn't mention it here as the heavy computer work/savvy and apolcalyptic downer approach seems to be something that has made the rut of "not helpful" or too absurdist and cynical for folks here.

But! I am so glad you did mention it, and even made it sound great, as so many of us actually still read the board and do offer some fun or good stuff when you share such kindness and give us all a hug, too! Thanks a great big bunch!

Be well

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[> Re: Anybody watching Grimm? -- Caroline, 21:23:38 08/17/12 Fri (5ade2646.bb.sky.com/

Yes, absolutely. We've finished the first season here in the UK and are waiting on the second.

Have been loving Once Upon A Time - I was absolutely amazed when my very practical step-father said it was one of his favourite programmes! Didn't see that one coming at all.

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