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Date Posted: 13:04:27 09/18/12 Tue
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: If you don't post the Voy Demon will starve
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "If you don't post the Voy Demon will starve" on 17:39:07 09/17/12 Mon

Jakers! I got a ton of BS, not B/S, I mean, and that means I will drive his food source away! Oh, no! Kill that beasie chuckit25! GrrrrEAT picture, Lewis!

I just jummped in and have to get a bit of time (and underwear) before I get to all the past "works" above and below in the "love abounds and surrounds" of the Voy world.

Went to Martha's Vineyard for 9/11 with a friend, (who worked for the gov Arts grants' world before going on his own re communities and arts development) who lives in NYC and has your birthday. We made it past 50, bro! Is this habit forming? hee hee.

gotta run. See you all later, when I get to the other "topics" and destroy all semblance of thread continuity with non subject responses. I am arrogant and evil that way, not to mention undisciplined.

I discovered that doing a "preview" helps me get logged on here, with the "type in these letters" requirement and just submit from there.

Your new computer has a few more red exxes" but properties provides all relief for those "never before seen" pix you keep finding. I just gotta say, you still amaze and blaze so brightly!

Oooh! a poll! Where the heck is gretch? Anyone ever hear from her, even on some other forum or form? I mean really. Her son's golf lessons can't take up all her free time! hee hee

Any news (I haven't read everything here yet) on the Florida blog, Lewis?

Be well

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[> Re: If you don't post the Voy Demon will starve -- Saltygoodness, 20:17:35 09/18/12 Tue (NoHost/

Let him starve, I say. The evil being has eaten numerous of my most important posts in days past and I am without compassion for his situation.

gretch thrives, but appears to have lost posting joy anywhere. I've lost her home phone, etc., in the big fire so cannot contact her directly. I miss her just like the rest of you. She was my first board friend and I continue to adore her and her offspring.

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