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Date Posted: 14:04:15 05/29/16 Sun
Author: AMCFAN
Subject: MIRed Sandie and everyone...

Have to share what happened to me on Thursday with my friends. Linda already knows cuz we chat on Facebook. I was just parked at a light going to an app't when my heart began beating wildly. I drove another few blocks and pulled over cuz it wasn't stopping and I had trouble breathing so I called 911. Ambulance took me to a heart hospital here and my heart continued in atrial fibrillation for st least another 2 hours at between 150-190 beats per min....should be around 75. I almost passed out a few times because breathing was so difficult. They finally gave me an IV drug infusion that lasted an hour and about half way through, my heart went back to a normal rhythm. I said a silent prayer thanking God. It was terrifying for me and for my hubby and daughter as well, who came to be with me. Have an echo scheduled for 3 wks and have to see my heart specialist. I have felt like a dump truck ran over me ever since, and was told to rest for a few days. I have not had any energy...ugh love you all!

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