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Date Posted: 16:40:12 03/11/18 Sun
Author: AMCFAN
Subject: everyone.....

A week ago Friday I woke up with a painful lump under my tongue and a swollen gland on the right side of my neck. Saw my doctor and he got me into a specialist by Monday. Ear nose and throat specialist says I have a blocked salivary gland and the backed up saliva was causing infection. He thinks it's a stone...ugh The infection is gone as I was on antibiotics but he also made a small incision under my tongue (after freezing!!!) to allow the bad bacteria filled saliva out and for it to drain. The pain was gone after that. Saw this doctor again Friday and he has ordered a CT scan and he may need to surgically remove the stone. That scares the livin' daylights outa me.
I will keep you all posted when I have some more news. In the meantime I have little saliva, so have to keep drinking or sucking candies....ugh :-(
Have a good week everyone....((hugs))

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