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Subject: Depeche Mode, *NSync, Linkin Park, etc...click me baby. ;-)

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Date Posted: 19:59:10 06/20/01 Wed
Author Host/IP: spider-mtc-tf034.proxy.aol.com/
In reply to: Anh 's message, "Hi!" on 14:38:59 06/18/01 Mon

Hi!!! Thanks for the greetings about me at Toronto, Canada.

Well, concerning DM's album, I'm really disappointed (I think *really* shocked is the word for it b/c I think I only like 3 songs there, I think, including their next single, "I Feel Loved"), but THE BIGGEST disappointment for me is NOT being able to go to ANY Depeche Mode concert whatsoever b/c I'm NOT allowed to (My family is SO strict. I've been crying MANY days continuously now b/c of it, I'm still VERY sad and depressed about not going b/c it'll be a miracle 'til DM does another tour for which I will have to wait another LONG decade to see them b/c they might will have broken up and my family will STILL not let me go at that time, or I might NEVER EVER will see them live EVER again, etc...thinking about this makes me cry more).

Concerning, *NSync's "Pop," I really dig it. I like the lyrics. But one word, what's up with the hair? Ha-ha! Especially JC's, hehe.

As of right now, Linkin Park (they are from Los Angeles) is MY SAVIOR, I listen to their album every night on repeat without skipping any track even the track where the DJ does his solo. Without them, I would be VERY suicidal even more than I am right now. They are making me feel like they are my all-time fav band now, even more so than Depeche Mode (Did I actually say that?! WOW! But I sense that this is coming true as time progresses). Their lyrics and sound expresses my feelings/emotions about everyday life SOOO VERY well. Before I felt that Depeche Mode's lyrics express that well, but with Linkin Park, to me, they take it another step higher and I SO admire them for that better than any artist that I have come across by. I'm just in awe of this band. All 6 members have the charisma/personality of Chris Kirpatrick times 6, they are HELLA funny, especially when they are chatting it up with themselves about any subject. You can almost NEVER tell when they are serious or just joking, that's what sets them apart from interviewers who interview them b/c they the interviewers are clueless, but laughing about it at the same time. Every single song that (and I mean every single song) I hear from this band, I LOVE MORE than any other artist. Their "Hybrid Theory" album is now my ALL-TIME fav album EVER. This band HAS SO MANY talents, it's unbelievable to me at times. The singer, Chester Bennington can act, can sing like NO OTHER person I've known, he can sing accappella like *NSync if he wants and yet he can scream and rock SO well with his vary wide range of vocals, he's my all-time fav singer now, he can even play the piano and guitar. Not only that but the half-Japanese rapper, MC Mike Shinoda, can rap freestyle like no one I've ever seen, I REALLY dig the way he raps and his tone, plus he can play the piano and guitar (You don't see many, or not even one hardly, rapper let alone a Japanese who can play musical instruments in the music industry. In their "Crawling" music video, Mike plays the guitar in that song. Mike is also a graphic artist, too, he drew the soldier with wings on Linkin Park's "Hybrid Theory" album sleeve. The soldier represents their rock sound, while the butterfly wings represent their soft sound). Also, Korean DJ Joseph Hahn is a graphic artist, who did special effects for the movies "Sphere" and "Phantom" and he's the Linkin Park video guy who comes up with storybords for the band's music videos. I swear, he can just be Linkin Park's official "Director" if he wanted to. I LOVE his concept for music videos. He head-bangs like a metal-head when he scratches those records, never seen an Asian dude do that before and I just LOVE those scratching effects he does to those records. Other than that, the other 3 members of Linkin Park are talented in their own rights, too.

I find it funny that I started liking this band even before I knew that as a group, they collectively agree that they are influenced by Depeche Mode. Singer Chester Bennington always had dreams when he was a kid to be the fifth Depeche Mode member and go on tour with them when DM was a foursome and Chester always tried to emulate his singing like Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode and explains that when he wrote lyrics for Linkin Park, the lyrics are all influenced one way or other from Depeche Mode and that helped him to shape his own writing style that is today. Plus guitarist Brad Delson is a self-professed Depeche Mode fan as well as a Britney fan, too. (I don't think that Brad likes Britney for her music, but you know what, hehe).

Anyway, I can't wait to see Linkin Park on MTV's Crib on July 18th during MTV's "All Acces Week" and performing on MTV's 20th Anniversary Celebration on August 1st. Thanks to Linkin Park, they help me cope with my stressful, depressive life. My fav single from them is "In The End" (this song is a blend of almost every HYBRID of music...be it ballad-like to rock, to rap, to almost all kinds of music, that's the #1 thing I dig about this song b/c of the different arrangements of musical sound there, but mostly the lyrics, the lyrics touch me THE MOST here, awww...I LOVE it, my all-time fav song now. Mike plays the piano in this song).

I hope you are having a MUCH better summer than I ever will...hope to chat with you really soon! ;-)

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[> Subject: Awww, Ky, I’m so sad to hear about you being sad. Why won’t your parents let you see DM in concert? That’s so unfair since they must know how much you love DM. Well, I know that there's nothing I can really say to make you feel better, but I hope you get to see DM again in concert someday. Wow, I never thought I’d hear you say that you might like another band more than DM. I’m glad that Linkin Park’s album is helping you through your hard times.

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Date Posted: 11:37:33 06/28/01 Thu
Author Host/IP: PPPa51-ResaleHoustonB1-1R7009.dialinx.net/

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[> [> Subject: Yeah, my family is VERY old-fashionably strict even if I'm an adult. Thanks for caring, life has been an everyday struggle to overcome problems, but I'll take it one day at a time, and thanks to Linkin Park (Feel like I like them more than DM now, weird, but elated), who used to be called Hybrid Theory (2x plus platinum on billboard after its release on Oct. 2000. They are getting SO popular, especially worldwide!) and had their debut album entitled that, I'm learning to cope with things.

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Date Posted: 16:20:31 06/28/01 Thu
Author Host/IP: spider-tr033.proxy.aol.com/

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[> [> Subject: My family don't know how much DM means to me, heck, same thing goes with *NSync or any of my fav celebrities. My family is not at all interested in American culture, only Asian. They are *always* watching Asian shows. So, they don't even know any musical or hollywood celebrities, whatsoever. It's a cultural generation gap I have with my family b/c they are still stuck in the ways of Asian culture (know what I mean?).

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Date Posted: 16:32:33 06/28/01 Thu
Author Host/IP: spider-tr033.proxy.aol.com/

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[> [> Subject: Also, I like to refer to Hybrid Theory as my Hybrid "Therapy" (I made that up some few days ago) b/c I undergo a therapy session everytime I listen to their album. And yes, it's a great cure to let anyone's aggression out. In the words of Linkin Park, "Takes me one step closer to the edge, and I'm about to break!" Phew! I feel relieved. *wipes sweat from forehead*

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Date Posted: 16:34:29 06/28/01 Thu
Author Host/IP: spider-tr033.proxy.aol.com/

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[> [> Subject: Anh, did you see the "Fast and the Furious?" I saw it and it was freaky hearing Ja Rule sampling a melody of my all-fav Depeche Mode song, "Strangelove." You can hear the sampling to Ja Rule's "Life Ain't A Game" for the movie's soundtrack. It played when it was about 75% after the movie began. I dig the way Ja Rule (I wonder if he is a DM fan) sampled that song, but it was definitely weird hearing DM being sampled that way, in a rap-like-techno feel. BTW, the movie was great, I liked it! ;-)

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Date Posted: 19:04:38 06/29/01 Fri
Author Host/IP: spider-wg082.proxy.aol.com/

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