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Subject: Click me, baby. ;-)

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Date Posted: 17:37:40 09/04/01 Tue
Author Host/IP: spider-ntc-tc041.proxy.aol.com/
In reply to: Anh 's message, "Hey, Ky! It's Anh!" on 22:23:17 09/01/01 Sat

Hi there Anh! It's SO nice and comforting to be chatting with you again. I've missed ya! Hopefully, in the coming weeks, I'll be getting an old used computer that I can use all by myself and not have to share with my other family members and I hope to chat with you online more, especially on AIM. ;-) I'm excited to be getting my own comp even if it's old and used. Because that means that I'll be able to go online more than before. Yes, I'm feeling better now, time helps. Thanks for your concern. How about you? How's life treating you?

Isn't it sad that Aaliyah died? I cried two days later after I learned of her death (which was on Sunday night) because I was still in shock and the reality of her being dead didn't sink in me, yet (I think I'm still in denial that she is gone especially when I see her on TV, it reminds me that she is still alive. Well, at least her music and acting legacy lives on forever. I started to like Aaliyah even more when I went to see "Romeo Must Die" the weekend of its official release in theaters. I really wanted to see that movie because I LOVE seeing Jet Li's martial arts as well as the debut of Aaliyah's acting skills and "wow!" was I really impressed by her, she definitely CAN act. I've seen many of Jet Li's movies and in this movie, he was great. But if you are a Jet Li fan, I recommend you watch his "Twin Warriors" movie. It's my fav from him. In that movie, Michelle Yeoh from "Crounching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is in it, too). She has always been one of my fav singers since I saw her music video of "Back and Forth" (this is my fav song from hers) in 1994. I miss her SO much.

And yes, oh boy, I am very ecstatic about Linkin Park's VMA performance. If you've ever seen/heard them perform live before, you'll be amazed as I am, too.

My best friend who helped me record their 8-22-01 "Live at the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame" live performance on MTV was in total awe when she watched the show and didn't realized how great they sounded until she saw it. Their "Live at the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame" performance proved to her that they are really talented in their own right. Now she's a fan and plans to purchase their debut album (and I didn't even let her borrow my copy of their album yet), hehe, because she's more impressed by singer - Chester Bennington (I read that he's a fan of Aaliyah. I wonder how he's dealing with her death as do the rest of the country in mourning of her)- vocal ranges. (Even my little cousins who are 2x younger than me liked Linkin Park before I even mentioned them. I'm amazed at how popular they've gotten within less than a year of their "Hybrid Theory" album release on 10-16-00, which is now certified triple platinum. I knew they would get really popular eventually because they mix all musical elements together to make it sound so unique. I'm SO glad that I started to like Linkin Park around May 2000, and decided that I am a fan of theirs on December 2000 before they went platinum because I didn't miss out on their beginning success compared to their new fans of today.) She taped it for me because my MTV channel is screwy right now. She even joked about watching the tape that she recorded for me SO much that she thinks she ruined my tape, hehe. On a side-note, she likes *NSync, too. I went to my first *Nsync concert with her and her bro.

Willa Ford and Carson Daly (who are now an item) said that Linkin Park are one of their fav bands at the moment and Carson added that all their songs off their "Hybrid Theory" album are great in every way because of their unique sound and he mentioned that they should release every song off their album as singles and Willa agreed, hehe. I agree with them, as do all their fans, too. Because their album is the first album that I consider I really like A LOT without having to skip any tracks whatsoever while I play it because I usually skip tracks on CDs.

Have you seen Linkin Park's "One Step Closer" (their first single which MTV deemed Buzz Worthy and Rollingstone mag described as "teen-angst" in late 2000 to early 2001) and their "Crawling" music videos? I admire how they make their music videos. I LOVE their visual effects and imagery SO much. Makes me want to become a music video director because of them, haha. Linkin Park's Korean DJ Joseph Kahn is referred by his bandmates as the "video guy" because he comes up with the ideas for their video treatment and does their storyboard since he's an exceptional artist. Linkin Park has three artists (as in painters, drawers, etc) in the band with Mike Shinoda (the half-Japanese MC/rapper) who drew/designed their album sleeve, DJ Joseph Hahn, and Chester Bennington (the rock/ballad-like singer). I am really impressed by the band's massive talent as you can tell, that I now consider them my all-time fav band even up there with Depeche Mode. The DJ was referred as their "video guy" so much that he made his music video directing debut on their "Papercut" music video (which was only released in the UK and their UK third single, but not the USA or elsewhere around the world). Now, with their third music video on the way for "In The End" (this is my all-time fav song from any musical artist ever because you can sense all types of musical genres from this song from classical with the piano intro, to rock, rap, electronic, ballad, pop, DJ scratching effects, hip-hop, etc...) I am SO excited to see their "In The End" (this is also my best friend's fav song from them, too) music video for this one because their DJ will be directing this one as well. I can't wait to see the video treatment for this as well as their amazing special effects. I like the way they use special effects on all their music videos. I am SO proud of Linkin Park for displaying Asians in the band because I think they are the very first successful American rock band to EVER emerge and I'm all about that "Asian Pride," hehe.

Yes, I bought *NSYNC's "Celebrity" the week of its release and my fav track is "Selfish" and they have definitely changed their sound being to me as more "urban" sounding or something like that, hehe. And yes again to not only am I enthusiastic about Linkin Park's VMA nominations for "Best Rock Video," "Best Direction in a Video" but their live performance and *NSync's 5 VMA nominations along with their live performance, too. This year's VMAs will definitely be a treat for me because of my 2 faves performing and being nominated. I hope *NSYNC can top last year's video-screen "Bye, Bye, Bye" performance. I'll definitely keep an eye out for that. ;-)

Okay, there I go again....blabbing as usual...now it's your turn to blab, hehe.

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[> [> Subject: It's me again >>>

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Date Posted: 21:07:48 09/15/01 Sat
Author Host/IP: PPPa4-ResaleHouston2-1R7082.dialinx.net/

It's been so sad this week with everything that's happened in New York and the Pentagon. Just last week, I was so happy because *NSYNC won 4 awards at the MTV Video Music Awards and just a few days later, everything changed. When I turned on the TV last Tuesday, I hadn't heard what had happened yet so I was shocked when I saw the World Trade Center in ruins and what happened at the Pentagon. I was also shocked when they showed the planes crashing into the WTC. Seeing everything on TV, I'm still in shock. I felt the same way as you when I heard about Aaliyah's death; I didn't really believe she was gone, and now I feel the same way about these latest tragedies--I can't believe they really happened. It seems to horrible to be true. I'm sort of scared about how they're saying that the U.S. is going to war, but I believe the U.S. has to do something. Hopefully, no more innocent lives will be lost. Thankfully, I don't know anyone who was hurt or killed in the terrorism, but I feel so sad for those people who lost their lives and for those people who are looking for their missing loved ones. It amazes me how much life can change in one day. Last Monday, everything was fine and the next day, everything changed drastically. Have you heard Enrique's new song, "Hero"? It's a ballad and some radio stations are playing a version that has news clips of the tragedy in it and it's really powerful. It's ironic that the song fits what's going on now. His new album is called Escape and it comes out November 6.

I'm glad you're such a big Linkin Park fan, Ky. I really didn't pay attention to their performance at the VMAs but the next time MTV reruns the show, I'll watch them. I've seen some of their music videos but unfortunately once again, I never paid much attention to them, but I will next time ;-) I really liked *NSYNC's performance, but not as much as last year's. I liked the whole comic book theme of their performance, though, and it was so cool when Michael Jackson came out near the end. He can still dance! He has awesome moves. I heard that Carson Daly and Willa Ford aren't dating, that it was just a rumor. Maybe it started because Willa works for MTV so much now.

I hope you get your own computer, Ky, I've missed chatting with you too! Whenever you want to chat, just post what day and what time on your board or e-mail me.

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[> [> [> Subject: *click, click* >>>

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Date Posted: 12:47:49 09/17/01 Mon
Author Host/IP: spider-ntc-tc024.proxy.aol.com/

I know what you mean about the tragic event that occurred lately and about the thought of going to war again haunts me.

As you know, I'm a Vietnam War refugee, so war to me still impacts me emotionally since I was born at the time the Vietnam War occurred and my dad died before I was born because of the Vietnam War. Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I knew him and if he existed today. My family came to America as refugees trying to flee from the chaos that was controlled by Pol Pot in Cambodia, then when they landed in Vietnam the next year, the Vietnam War had interrupted and it was time for them to flee again. All this talk about "America's New War" or in the words of Bush, "We're at war" reminds me of my past (even if I don't remember any because I was too young to know what actually happened, but my family told me what they had to endure so to know how much they had to suffer impacts me deeply) and it makes me really scared to know that we might be in real big danger. I never thought in a million years that I might witness "war" at this time all because of terrorism. I thought that my family coming to America for a better life would help us get away from a "war country" before, but I guess you can't escape war, terrorism, hate, etc...anywhere, no matter where you are because it will always exist because the good can't balance without a bad side. You get my drift? But nonetheless, it's still saddening. I just hope that America won't go to "war." I'm scared beyond belief just thinking about it.

I would LOVE to e-mail and chat with you more, but can I have your e-mail addy again? I have this e-mail from my (best) friend, Janet, that she just e-mailed me today, plus another about the whole event that occurred on September 11th, and if you read them, it'll make your eyes do a double-flip. It's SO eerie when you read it.

I know what you mean when I heard about the tragic accident with Aaliyah, and then, later with the World Trade Center and Pentagon. I was like, "Why is this happening? We already lost Aaliyah, and now this tragic event is occurring?" I still haven't gotten over Aaliyah (R.I.P.). I guess time can only heal wounds, eventually.

Nope, I haven't heard Enrique's "Hero" song, but I would love to. I'm glad that he has a new song and upcoming album out. I've missed him in the spotlight, hehe.

Linkin Park - to me - has in no other band been able to express how I feel about life on a daily basis emotionally. And not only that, they are very therapeutic in my view, hehe. When Linkin Park were on MTV's "Total Request Live (on 9-7-01 during MTV's TRL VMA Wrap Up)" premiering their music video for my all-time fav song ever ("In The End" - I LOVE the imagery in this music video. Once again, I'm astonished and amazed by their concept in music videos), Carson was SO stoked, he kept on praising the band and everything and saying how they are his favorite band period and how their album, "Hybrid Theory" has been stuck in his CD player not because it was broken or whatever, but because he put it there because he listens to it all the time. (I have never seen Carson Daly rant and rave SO much about a musical artist like that before. And as an MTV VJ, he's not allowed to express his opinions like that on TV by the staion. But I'm glad he did because it just shows that he's like everybody else. A fan of stuff, not just the typical celebrity. I guess he really likes them A LOT). Hehe, my Linkin Park "Hybrid Theory" has been stuck in my CD player, too.

Yeah, it was really cool when Michael Jackson came out, he can still dance, hehe, and he made *NSync's performance at the VMAs more enjoyable. I like the set decoration for *NSync's VMA performance. Reminds me of the work of the great and legendary artist, Andy Warhol, with a touch of some comic book in it. I'm glad that *NSync won so many VMAs. I'm proud of them. ;-)

Carson and Willa Ford an item as being a rumour? Hmm, but it seems to be that I've read it all over the place about them being a couple and everything, oh well.

I hope I get my own computer too. I don't even care if it's old and used, as long as I have my own and I can do what I want with it. I was supposed to get it a long time ago early this year, but things just keep delaying it and it maybe will be delayed even more or I might not even get it at all, oh well. I'll just keep waiting and see what happens if I'm able to get one or not. At least I am able to use one, even if it's not mine. That's what counts, that I can use one at least. Hey, do you still use the AOL Instant Messenger screen name that you gave me last time? Because I never see you logged on it, anymore.

Hope to talk to you soon, be it e-mail, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), or on this board. ;-)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Me again >>>

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Date Posted: 15:08:58 09/24/01 Mon
Author Host/IP: PPPa35-ResaleHouston2-1R7082.dialinx.net/

Hey, Ky! Yep, my AOL messenger name is still the name, I just don't use it. Whenever I chat with someone, I want to make an "appointment" first so I can be sure that I have enough time to chat with them. Is your e-mail address still the same as what you gave me before, the one at usa.net? Because I e-mailed my e-mail addy to you at that address. If you have a different e-mail now or you didn't get my e-mail, then post a message here and I'll post my e-mail addy.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: I'm back yet again >>>

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Date Posted: 22:13:16 09/24/01 Mon
Author Host/IP: PPPa20-ResaleHouston2-1R7082.dialinx.net/

Well I guess you don't have that usa.net e-mail address anymore because I got my e-mail back saying they couldn't send it. My e-mail is anh24@netzero.net.

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[> [> [> Subject: HI

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Date Posted: 10:55:10 04/06/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: 12-217-41-160.client.mchsi.com/



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[> [> Subject: Correction: --> I'm amazed at how popular they've gotten within less than a year of their "Hybrid Theory" album release on 10-16-00, which is now certified triple platinum. = I'm amazed at how popular they've gotten within less than a year of their "Hybrid Theory" album release on *10-24-00*, which is now certified triple platinum.

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Date Posted: 12:55:32 09/17/01 Mon
Author Host/IP: spider-ntc-tc024.proxy.aol.com/

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