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Subject: FOX FAMILY Channel's "Total Access 24/7"

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Date Posted: 09:24:21 03/04/01 Sun
Author Host/IP: spider-tk063.proxy.aol.com/

I'm always missing *NSync TV appearances, and it's kinda weird that that happens b/c I alert people about them being on TV at this board's masthead. When their shows air, I usually oversleep. Bad habit!

Does anybody know when they will be reairing this show? B/c I overslept last weekend and I missed watching it when I was SO dying to see it. Waahhh!!! I really want to see that show soon. I hope they'll reair it. So if anybody knows when they'll rerun it soon, let me know. Thanks in advance!

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[> Subject: Re: FOX FAMILY Channel's "Total Access 24/7"

Melissa Lira
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Date Posted: 12:30:50 06/11/01 Mon
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Dear Fox Family,
Hi! My name is Melissa Lira. I am 17 years old. I was watching Fox Family when I saw that you are going to be going all over California! Well, I need your help! PLEASE!! I live in Southeastern Colorado. I am going to Anehiem, California for Denim & Lace. See, Denim and Lace is a square dancing organization. There are over 500 kids in it. From 6 year olds to 18 year olds. I have been dancing since I was 6 years old. We practice all year. Then we have our annual revue in April. Then, if you are in a senior set we get to travel to the National Square Dancing Convention. This year it is in Anehiem, California! The reason I need your help is because my mother, Terri Lira , and one other lady, Sharon Shinn, teach the 500 dancers. My mother spends hours and hours working to make Denim & Lace a success. And she is also a 6 grade teacher. So, she doesn't get home tell 10:00 every night. I want to thank her for every thing she has done for me and the rest of the dancers. I was hoping that you would help me with that. I love square dancing. If you come and see us dance you won't regret it. It is unbelieveable. You will enjoy it, I promise!!! My mother will be suprized! PLEASE HELP MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!
If you would please call me or write me to tell me if you can or can't make it, I would greatly appreciate it!!!
We will be in Anehiem from June 27 to July 1, 2001. Melissa Lira
33250 Rd 12
Lamar, Co

Phone # is: (719)336-4547 Thank You So Much!!
Melissa Lira

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